MassDEP Releases Long-Awaited LNAPL Guidance MassDEP recently published its final guidance for Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL). MassDEP has opened an informal public comment period on the revised LNAPL guidance that ends on December 18, 2015. Sanborn Head will be presenting at the Environmental Business Council (EBC) New England Site Remediation and Redevelopment Program: Evaluation and Closure of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPL) on February 27. WESTOVER ARB • Chicopee, Massachusetts • Largest Air Force Reserve Base in the country at 2,500 acres ... guidance •Tweak your remedial approach. guidance document for d evelopers, consultants, and age ncy reviewers. Table 2.1-2 Action-Specific ARARs, Criteria, Advisories, and Guidance; LNAPL . 9. : 6107190016 Page iii ... MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection . Provided below are comments to the MassDEP Draft Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document, which was submitted for commented in December 2010, and updated in January 2011. 15 November 2007. MassDEP SVS SOP IA Sampling Guide & Proposed Revisions MDEQ MDEQ TCE memo And RRD Op Memo No. LNAPL Light non-aqueous phase liquid ... MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ... • Draft Navy Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway. MassDEP Releases Long-Awaited LNAPL Guidance. The guidance is targeted at Massachusetts Licensed Site Professionals (LSPs) who perform site remediation work under the Massachusetts regulatory scheme and provides an overview of LNAPL … is a platform for academics to share research papers. LNAPL – Thursday, February 16th at 1:00 PM (to potentially change the regulatory definition of LNAPL in the MCP and allow more permanent closures) All meetings will be held at MassDEP’s Boston Office at One Winter Street, in the 2nd floor conference room. This guidance document is organized into sections that lead you through the LNAPL site management process: Section 2 – LNAPL Regulatory Context, Challenges, and Outreach contributed to the ITRC LNAPL-3 and ASTM LNAPL Guidance documents. Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies under CERCLA. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A). well gauging) or ... Will criteria/guidance … MassDEP is seeking comments on the latest draft version of the Assessment section in the new Vapor Intrusion Guidance . LNAPL Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid LRA Limited Removal Action LSI Limited Subsurface Investigation ... ORS MassDEP Office of Research and Standards ... SWQG Surface Water Quality Guidance TAC Target Indoor Air Concentration Nobis field staff provided this information to Ms. Caprice Shaw of MassDEP who was providing field oversight on the date of the groundwater sampling event. 2/17/2021 - New 1,4 Dioxane Guidance Website Available Now! Appendix C: State Regulations, Guidance, and Other Publications on Vapor Intrusion .. 83 Appendix D: Sampling and Analytical Methods Available for Evaluating the Vapor LNAPL Light non-aqueous phase liquid ... MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MGP Manufactured Gas Plant MRL Method reporting limit NBC Narragansett Bay Commission ... Slab Screening Values presented in the 2011 “Interim Final Vapor Intrusion Guidance.” This was a timely presentation topic given the 2014 amendments to the MCP and the recent publication of MassDEP's public review drafts of guidance for AULs, LNAPL … EPA Section 128(a) Response Program funding has been critical to sustaining MassDEP's waste site cleanup program and the many initiatives listed above. Massdep ust removal guidance. Consulting • Stuart Nagourney - DEP, Office of Quality Assurance • David Robinson - Synergy Environmental, Inc. 2/17/2021 - New 1,4 Dioxane Guidance Website Available Now! Steve was an instructor at the 2016 and 2017 LSPA & ASTM Continuing Education Seminar: Estimating LNAPL Transmissivity: A Guide to Using ASTM Standard Guide E2856 and has provided LNAPL technical shares to federal and state regulatory agencies. This thickness required that the presence of LNAPL be reported to the MassDEP within 72 hours. 2/3/2021 - Save the Date - ITRC Virtual Spring Meeting - April 13-22. “Non- “Micro- Stable” or Scale” “Macro- Mobility Scale” LNAPL footprint does not move, but LNAPL must be Mobility removed if and to the extent feasible to meet LNAPL LNAPL source control requirements footprint expands or LNAPL BUT…. It baldeck facebook yvonne hayes intervista mazzarri napoli inter 4 2 paxtle silao gto … Coordinated release abatement measure, transported a majority of soil under MassDEP's similar soils provision guidance for reuse on another project, transported MCP impacted soil to an asphalt batch/cold mix facility for recycled asphalt use and achieved a permanent solution without conditions under Chapter 21E and the MCP. The adoption by MassDEP of one of EPA's documents (above), the Fact Sheet or Interim Guidelines, may appear, at first glance, to be logical choices for BMP guidance. USEPA. The 1/2-inch LNAPL UCL is recognized as a standard that is not based on valid science, and is frequently the only issue preventing closure at Sites with no significant risk. This method is an SW-846 Method-Defined Parameter (MDP), meaning that it may not be modified when used for Resource Conservation and … The most significant barriers identified are those This program will focus on the draft guidance relating to Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL… This ITRC guidance complements the ongoing work of EPA’s Office of Underground Storage Tanks (OUST) in addressing the PVI pathway. The latest draft is intended as a starting point for discussion and does not reflect the current position of MassDEP. o Figure 8 illustrating feasibility of LNAPL recovery is incorrect and should be removed or corrected. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part A). 1 Comment Number Draft Guidance Section Summary of Comment (s) Comment Set(s) MassDEP Response Section 1 – Introduction 1 Guidance contains many very specific recommendations, all of which the Department describes as presumptively appropriate. •LIGHT NON-AQUEOUS PHASE LIQUID (LNAPL) •ACTIVITY AND USE LIMITATION (AUL) ... •LNAPL in bedrock and DNAPL guidance needed. Forme r lagoons, buried drums and other known primary source areas have been addressed. MassDEP guidance acknowledges the LNAPL thickness in a well is not a reliable indicator of the mobility or recoverability of LNAPL. Project No. Response to Public Comments on the December 2010 Vapor Intrusion Guidance Draft pg. SUBJECT: Comments on MassDEP Draft Vapor Intrusion Guidance . The leading environmental testing laboratory providing full-service environmental analysis and remediation monitoring for businesses and consultants. Although mostly specific to Massachusetts and NAPL guidance, and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP), many of the principles to be presented are applicable to NAPL sites elsewhere. MCL Maximum Contaminant Level . •MassDEP initiated effort to identify regulatory reform proposals in Spring 2011 ... •Complete Guidance & Reconvene LNAPL Workgroup (TBD) LNAPL Ken Marra, P.E. In recent months, MassDEP has issued a number of draft guidance documents addressing the latest amendments to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). LNAPL PLUME AT WESTOVER AIR RESERVE BASE . LNAPL remediation process and evolution of the LNAPL conceptual site model (LCSM). The equation for groundwater to surface water dilution is as follows: DFgw-sw = (1 + (Qsw/(Vgw*dsw*Wgwsw))-1 12/21/2020 - ITRC & ME Session 2 Archive - View Now! Proposed Revision of … Matthew Heil, P.E., LSP will be speaking on Navigating the MassDEP LNAPL Guidance Document: A Case Study and Introduction to LNAPL… “Establishing Arctic Zone Cleanup Levels.” Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Spill Prevention and Response. Rose earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts in 1988. The document provides guidance on investigating and assessing the presence and migration of LNAPL at disposal sites regulated under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). Changes to LNAPL provision in the MCP have been discussed for years by MassDEP, LSPs and PRPs. 1/12/2021 - New Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Guidance Website Available Now! Skimpy swimsuits on the beach from europe 2 . USEPA. Hollingsworth Solderless E-13. These scenarios are outlined in MassDEP’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance document. Ennis texas weather radar 3 . These scenarios are outlined in MassDEP’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance document. E-10. 617-292-5966 . The document provides guidance on investigating and assessing the presence and migration of LNAPL at disposal sites regulated under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP). edited by Office of Water. Washington, D.C. USEPA. LNAPL Light non-aqueous phase liquid ... MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MPCA Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ... entitled Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway from Groundwater and Soils in November 2002. LNAPL light non-aqueous phase liquid MACTEC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. MassDEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection MCL Maximum Contaminant Level mg/cm2 milligrams per square centimeter mg/day milligrams per day mg/kg/day milligrams per kilogram per day msl mean sea level MTBE methyl tert-butyl ether 1991. 2/3/2021 - Save the Date - ITRC Virtual Spring Meeting - April 13-22. nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) was identified in well MW-6 (see Figure 2 for well location). The link is provided below (scroll down and keep clicking). LNAPL Reg Reform Discussion February 16, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 am MassDEP, One Winter Street, Boston, 2 nd Floor. Rose earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts in 1988. There is a long history of investigation and remedial activities at the Site dating back to the 1980s. Work-in-Progress. Protection (MassDEP) concurs with the Selected Remedy, as shown in Appendix A. ("MassDEP") as Release Tracking Number 3-0471 on May 28, 1992. evaluate the sources t hat impact water quality at local bea ches and . 1/5/2021 - ITRC Board of Advisors Co-Chair Position Open for 2021-2024. 11-25-14 MASTER New Waste Site Cleanup Rules - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. DA: 25 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 98. • Nobis measured 0.03 feet (0.36”) thickness of light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) at well NOB-101 on May 25, 2011, which is designated as a MCP 120-Day Reporting Condition. contaminated with dioxin and free product (Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid or "LNAPL") were to be disposed of at a licensed off-site facility. On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, Gerard Martin (MassDEP) was the guest speaker at the Licensed Site Professional Association (LSPA) monthly membership meeting. Former Industrial Site Characterization and Remediation in Fractured Rock E-14. We look forward to continuing to work with MassDEP on further clarifying and refining this draft guidance. USEPA. Chlorinated Compounds •TCE lowered from 30 µg/L to 5 µg/L for GW-2 ... •ASTM Guidance available •MassDEP end-point needed. References. LNAPL-1 and LNAPL-2 are still available for review; however, LNAPL-3 is inclusive of those materials with new topics presented and previous topics elaborated upon and further clarified. This guidance can be used for any LNAPL site regardless of size and site use and provides a systematic framework to: TEAM MEMBERS • Vinnie DelloRusso, Weston Solutions ... • Cindy Pawloski, MassDEP. 12/21/2020 - ITRC & ME Session 2 Archive - View Now! Eastern Surplus Company Superfund Site, Southern Plume: Meddybemps E-12. Washington, D.C. USEPA. Guidance on estimating petroleum vapor composition and vapor concentrations in LNAPL source zones is provided in Table 5-2. presence of LNAPL in a monitoring well should be the appropriate notification guideline, and MassDEP should consider eliminating thickness based reporting requirements. FAQ: What is the equation for groundwater to surface water dilution? In regards to the level of involvement of the MassDEP after the simplification of the classification process, will MassDEP distinguish between former ... the presence of LNAPL be based only by direct measurement (e.g. Under the Protocol, total United States HCFC production and consumption is capped, and will be completely phased out by 2030. General Comment The guidance focuses strictly on technical feasibility with no discussion of cost/benefit of … Technical Guidance June 24, 2014 11 • Greg Toffoli – Chair, DEP, Office of Data Quality • Nancy Rothman, Ph.D. - New Environmental Horizons, Inc. • Rodger Ferguson, CHMM LSRP, Pennjersey Env. USEPA. Table 2.1-1 Location-Specific ARARs, Criteria, Advisories, and Guidance; LNAPL . ASTM E2600-10: purpose Provide practical guidance and useful process for conducting a vapor encroachment screen (VES) on a property parcel involved in a real estate transaction in the U.S. with respect to chemicals of concern (COCs) that may migrate as vapors onto a property as a result of contaminated soil and groundwater on or near the property Massdep ust facility database. Technical Support Document for Qater Quality-based Toxics Control. USEPA. Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid ( LNAPL) Management is the process of LNAPL site assessment, monitoring, LNAPL Conceptual Site Model development, identification and validation of relevant LNAPL concerns, and the possible application of remediation technologies. The presence of LNAPL can create challenges at any site. 2019. : 6107190016 Page iii April 2019 Draft . Technical Support Document for Qater Quality-based Toxics Control. On November 1, 2015, MassDEP issued a second public review draft of its proposed LNAPL guidance entitled: “Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquid and the MCP: Guidance … The 2016 OAA removed the additional indicators of performance that were previously established in sec. AGENDA 1:00 Welcome and Introductions 1:10 Background on LNAPL MCP issues and regulatory/policy discussions to date 1:30 The definition, meaning and purpose of an Upper Concentration Limit (UCL) Project No. MCP Standards . LNAPL Remediation Combining Mobile Dual Phase Extraction with Concurrent Injection of a Carbon-Based Amendment: Little Mountain Test Facility E-11. Source Removal. Another common example (Figure 2) is based on a threshold LNAPL transmissivity, such as 0.8 foot squared per day (ft 2 /day), which can be used to represent achievement of recovery of LNAPL to the maximum extent practical in states that accept that threshold (e.g., Massachusetts, MassDEP 2016; Kansas, KDHP 2015). ADEC. The MassDEP verbally-approved the removal of up to an additional 750 cubic yards of impacted soil. As noted in the attachment, the LSPA is providing these comments with the understanding that additional comments on the AUL guidance may be warranted after our additional review of the draft LNAPL guidance and after our review of MassDEP’s forthcoming draft … MassDEP recently published its final guidance for Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL). Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint - Beautifully designed chart and diagram s for PowerPoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. well gauging) or ... Will criteria/guidance … It also provides a discussion of long-term LNAPL site management and how NSZD can be applied as a remedy including decision charts to support integration of NSZD and case studies demonstrating its use. For this document, the original ITRC NSZD document (ITRC LNAPL-1) was updated and incorporated into the main body and appendix. MassDEP, she was a principal engineer at a large environmental consulting firm responsible for feasibility studies and remedial design. MassDEP [Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection] recommends that no one consume. As set forth below, separate guidance will be provided on the technical aspects of the timing and reporting requirements. 513(b)(2) of the 2006 OAA. The following document contains information on the method used to detect the presence of free liquids in a representative sample of waste to determine compliance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 264.314 and 265.314. LNAPL Guidance. Navy Facilities Engineering Command. Kcal los angeles live streaming 1 . Institutional controls would prohibit the use of Site groundwater and restrict land uses in a manner that ensures the protectiveness of the remedy as described in the ROD. The release was subsequently reported to MassDEP who issued Release Tracking Number (RTN) … During a groundwater sampling event in March 2002, 0.33 feet of light non-aqueous phase liquid MassDEP, Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Southeast Regional Office ... VI guidance SRM Conditions that indicate a likely discharge of vapors into a School, Daycare or Child Care Center or occupied Residential ... • LNAPL within 30 feet of the structure at a measured thickness Four groundwater monitoring wells were installed in November 2001 and groundwater samples collected did not report any COCs above regulatory standards. LNAPL clean-up guidance released; GHD recognised as top engineering company; ... (MassDEP) have recently implemented non-point-source, watershed-based nitrogen Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limits for multiple small coastal estuaries around Cape Cod Massachusetts. LIGHT NONAQUEOUS PHASE LIQUIDS (LNAPL) AND THE MCP: GUIDANCE for SITE ASSESSMENT AND CLOSURE Policy #WSC-16-450 This document provides guidance on investigating, assessing, understanding, and addressing the ... document provides guidance on approaches MassDEP considers acceptable for meeting the general This thesis uses case studies of one unsuccessful, and three successful brownfield-to-renewable energy projects to identify common barriers such projects face and how those barriers can be overcome. EPA to Revise Allowance System for Controlling HCFC Production, Import and Export. How to Use the Document Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid ( LNAPL) Management is the process of LNAPL site assessment, monitoring, LNAPL Conceptual Site Model development, identification and validation of relevant LNAPL concerns, and the possible application of remediation technologies. The presence of LNAPL can create challenges at any site. In regards to the level of involvement of the MassDEP after the simplification of the classification process, will MassDEP distinguish between former ... the presence of LNAPL be based only by direct measurement (e.g. 1992. Olin Chemical Superfund Site – Wilmington, MA Interim Action Feasibility Study . mi yle its mine south africa electroplus compiegne nicolas? In 1977, he began a 34-year career at the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). The document provides guidance on investigating and assessing the presence and migration of LNAPL … Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) hot spot areas/isolated pockets of free product and LNAPL-saturated subsurface soils were also detected throughout the Site. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. edited by Office of Water. 1994. 5 Light Non -AqueousPhase Liquid (LNAPL) Conceptual Site Model module in: LNAPL 6 Training Part 2: LNAPL Characterization and Recoverability – Improved Analysis (ITRC 7 2008) 8 Section 3.3 Conceptual Site Modelsin: Technical Guidance Manual for the Implementation 9 of the Hawaii State Contingency Plan (TGM) (DOH 2016b) The presentation was titled, "Vapor Intrusion Guidance Update", and was intended to provide a summary of what's in the draft guidance document to facilitate the LSPA members' review and comment. An overview of the NAPL MCP regulation changes in 2014 and case studies will be presented, along with a residential setting case study. 1989. 4 He began as the director of the Wetlands Protection Program, then moved on to run the Hazardous Waste Management Program, then the Hazardous Waste Emergency Response and Site Cleanup Program. Integrating Resilience and Sustainability into the Remedial Project Life Cycle. 1 NYS DEC Draft Policy CA DTSC VI Guidance NH DES IA Assessment Guide CDPHE IA Analysis Guide Michigan Science Board Evaluation NYS DOH IA Sampling Guide IDEM NYSDOH NHDES ITRC MassDEP Internal SOP UPVs ASTM EPA Mitigation Advisory MDEQ RRD Op Memo No.
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