The paper also emphasized the need for polar stratospheric clouds to explain the reaction chemistry. Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). Objectives: 1. Extremely low stratospheric temperatures (lower than -78(C) over the Antarctic region contribute to depletion of ozone, in that low temperatures lead to the presence of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The ice crystals that make up these PSCs are where heterogeneous photo-chemical destruction of ozone take place. Readings: Turco: p. 422-432, 440-443; Brimblecombe: 195-202. Dynamite in a fluffy package: The shocking Antarctic ozone losses had many scientists intrigued, including atmospheric chemist Susan Solomon. The polar stratosphere becomes very cold in winter because of the absence of sunlight and because strong winds isolate the polar air. Ground-based and in situ monitoring of polar stratospheric clouds. 1.2.2c Polar Stratospheric Clouds Traditional gas phase chemistry alone cannot account for the magnitude of ozone destruction observed in the polar springtime (Wayne, 1991). in increased condensation of nitric acid in polar stratospheric clouds. The very low winter temperatures in the Antarctic stratosphere cause polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) to form. Insights has redefined the way preparation is done in UPSC civil service exam. In such conditions, the ice crystals of the cloud provide a suitable surface for the conversion of unreactive chlorine compounds into reactive chlorine compounds, which can deplete ozone easily. Scientists recently discovered that polar stratospheric clouds, long known to play an important role in Antarctic ozone destruction, are occurring with increasing frequency in the Arctic. above Antarctica. These reactions lead to the production of free radicals of chlorine which destroys ozone molecules. Arctic ozone depletion observed in the Spring of 2010 by satellites, manned aircraft campaigns and ground stations was less severe than that observed in 2011. The depletion was confined to the spring months (September-November); no depletion was observed in other seasons. Part2: Threats against ozone. Topic: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment. OBSERVED OZONE CHANGES. Each spring over Antarctica, atmospheric ozone is destroyed by chemical processes. Their findings indicate that chlorine may hibernate in condensed, non-reactive phase during the frigid Antarctic winter, residing in polar stratospheric clouds or in some molecular state not yet identified. The latter phenomenon is commonly referred to as the ozone hole. In contrast, the Earth’s surface in the northern polar region lacks the land/ocean symmetry characteristic of the southern polar area. particular, chemical reactions that cause ozone depletion take place on the surfaces of clouds and aerosols. exposure to ultraviolet light in the stratosphere breaks them down into more reactive gases. 2. Manned flights involve remote and hazardous duty, which pose great risks to pilots, crew, and scientists. 3. Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Ozone Depletion Clouds rarely form in the dry, Antarctic stratosphere, but when they do, they chemically conspire with chlorofluorocarbons to create the "ozone hole" that opens up every spring by Owen B. Toon and Richard P. Turco More than two dozen scientists boarded a … . Ozone depletion occurs in such polar stratospheric clouds. During the continuously dark polar winter, the air inside the polar vortices becomes extremely cold, a necessary condition for polar stratospheric cloud formation. . Most of the available chlorine (HCl and ClONO2) was converted by reactions on polar stratospheric clouds to reactive ClO and Cl2O2 throughout the Arctic polar vortex before midwinter. Racking her brain for something that might be … ANSWER: (a) 71. Special reactions that occur on PSCs, combined with the isolation of polar stratospheric air in the polar vortex, allow chlorine and bromine reactions to produce the ozone hole in Antarctic springtime. Ozone depletion is highly dependent on the formation of polar stratospheric clouds, which accumulate chlorine and bromine compounds in the cold polar night and then release these ozone-eaters when the sunlight of spring returns. Manned flights involve remote and hazardous duty, which pose great risks to pilots, crew, and scientists. The 2016 relationship is shown as the blue diamond. from combined ozone, cloud, and aerosol changes. warming and stratospheric ozone depletion.These changes result in a warming of the troposphere (the bottom 8–16 km of the atmosphere) and a cooling of the stratosphere (the layer above that extends to an altitude of about 50 km and contains the ozone layer).Stratospheric cooling creates a more favourable environ-ment for the formation of polar There is a steady decline of about 4% in the total volume of ozone in Earth’s stratosphere. Stratospheric ozone is constantly being created and destroyed through natural cycles. This is the reason ozone depletion in the Arctic primarily takes place inside the polar vortex. Among the key papers explaining the atmospheric chemistry of CFCs and ozone depletion was one by Susan Solomon and several colleagues. The severe depletion of the Antarctic ozone layer known as the “ozone hole” occurs because of the special weather conditions that exist there and nowhere else on the globe. The ice crystals that make up these PSCs are where heterogeneous photo-chemical destruction of ozone take place. This study examines the properties of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). Polar stratospheric clouds can form at temperatures below about 195 K. Chemical reactions on the surfaces of the particles that form these clouds convert chlorine compounds from inert forms into highly reactive species. The polar stratospheric clouds in Antarctica are only formed when there are very low temperatures, as low as −80 °C, and early spring conditions. Today, Insights is synonymous with UPSC civil services exam preparation. magnitude for that eruption) and thereby increase polar ozone loss [e.g., Deshler et al., 1994; Portmann et al., 1996; Bregman et al., 1997], whether smaller volcanic enhancements in stratospheric sulfate aerosol abundances could have had some influence on polar ozone depletion received less attention. Summary of what happens in the Anarctic hole For details of the chemistry of … (1988) and Parrish et al. Chlorine chemistry. Extremely low stratospheric temperatures (lower than -78(C) over the Antarctic region contribute to depletion of ozone, in that low temperatures lead to the presence of polar stratospheric clouds … The winds thus acted like a barrier, preventing ozone from other parts of the atmosphere from replenishing the low ozone levels over the Arctic. Popular Courses. However, because it gets very cold above the S. Pole in the winter, polar stratospheric clouds do sometimes form (they are made from water and other materials). stratospheric ozone andyor atmospheric greenhouse gas concen-trations. » Serial entrepreneur Waqar Azmi has launched Smart Business Box to help startups and SMEs fight the Covid-19 pandemic » Bradman in making in this Kerala backyard Hofman et al. Antarctica) are: (2) The presence of POLAR STRATOSPHERIC ICE CLOUDS -- on the surfaces of these extremely cold cloud particles certain chemical reactions are more efficient and faster. Therefore, the ozone depletion in … compounds. Schoeberl MR, Hartmann DL. PSCs enhance the production and lifetime of reactive chlorine, leading to ozone depletion … A significant decline in ozone over the Arctic last winter was due to an increase in the area and longevity of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), according to a group of researchers who participated in a large, international atmospheric science campaign. In warmer temperatures like this year, fewer polar stratospheric clouds form and they don’t persist as long, limiting the ozone-depletion process. 60 Section V: Implications of ozone depletion and the Montreal Protocol Changes between 1979 and 2008 Latitude (degrees) Average change (%) Average change (%) 8 6 4 2 0 10 12 8 6 4 2 0-2-4 0-2-20 20 40 60-40-60 South North. (b) Ozone layer around the Earth reflects them back to outer space (c) Moisture in the upper layers of atmosphere prevents them from reaching the surface of the Earth (d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above is correct. This ozone loss occurs in the temperate zone latitudes in all seasons, and especially drastically since the early 1980s in the south polar springtime—the ‘Antarctic ozone hole’. Reduced ozone levels as a result of ozone depletion ozone depletionA chemical destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer beyond natural reactions. Figure Q9-1. Nature , 355 , 534-537, doi:10.1038/355534a0. The term PSC refers to several distinct categories of cloud differentiated by unique observable characteristics. Experts have not completely solved this piece of the ozone destruction puzzle, but according to one theory, the clouds … PSCs enhance the production and lifetime of reactive chlorine, leading to ozone depletion (WMO, 1999). The very low temperatures of the Antarctic stratosphere create ice clouds called polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs). The severe depletion of stratospheric ozone during the winter in Antarctica is known as the "ozone hole." . Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by the United States have been significant throughout the history of the ozone depletion issue. Dramatic springtime depletions of ozone in polar regions require that polar stratospheric air has a high degree of dynamical isolation and extremely cold temperatures necessary for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds. PSCs enhance the production and lifetime of reactive chlorine, leading to ozone depletion in the presence of sunlight (WMO, 1999). The special conditions that make ozone depletion most severe over polar regions (esp. Prather, M.J., 1992: More rapid polar ozone depletion through the reaction of HOCl with HCI on polar stratospheric clouds. Without the presence of stratospheric clouds, reactions leading to the destruction of the ozone layer are negligible. Volcanic stratospheric aerosols. These ozone-depleting chemicals adhere to cloud particles that form in cold stratospheric layers, providing a surface where runaway reactions that destroy ozone molecules occur. A second feature of the polar stratosphere that is unique and probably aids the polar ozone depletion is polar stratospheric clouds. 10.3 POLAR OZONE LOSS . Polar stratospheric clouds are clouds in the winter polar stratosphere at altitudes of 15,000–25,000 m. They are best observed during civil twilight, when the Sun is between 1 and 6 degrees below the horizon, as well as in winter and in more northerly latitudes. One main type of PSC is made up mostly of supercooled droplets of water and nitric acid and is implicated in the formation of ozone holes. Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) form at these low temperatures. Also in 1986, Michael B. McElroy and colleagues described a role for bromine in ozone-depleting reactions. As these clouds are more persistent in the South Pole, we have a larger hole in the Antarctic atmosphere. The dynamics of the stratospheric polar vortex and its relation to springtime ozone depletions. Polar stratospheric cloud definition, an iridescent cloud in the winter polar stratosphere, as high as 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) above the earth: in both the Antarctic and the Arctic, these clouds contribute to ozone depletion by converting benign forms of chlorine into ozone-destroying forms and by eliminating the nitrogen compounds that curb the destructive effects of chlorine. This layer is where the active chemical depletion of ozone occurs on ice crystals in polar stratospheric clouds. . Polar Stratospheric Cloud Background These clouds exist at very high altitude (~70,000 ft) within Earth's stratosphere.Clouds do not normally form in the stratosphere due to its extreme dryness. The chemical reactions causing this ozone depletion are primarily based on atomic Cl and ClO, the product of its reaction with ozone. RELEASE: 00-43AR. The … cause polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) to form. Both of these conditions are produced within the strato- spheric winter polar vortex. Polar stratospheric cloud definition, an iridescent cloud in the winter polar stratosphere, as high as 15.5 miles (25 kilometers) above the earth: in both the Antarctic and the Arctic, these clouds contribute to ozone depletion by converting benign forms of chlorine into ozone-destroying forms and by eliminating the nitrogen compounds that curb the destructive effects of chlorine. During the cold dark Antarctic winter, stratospheric ice clouds (PSCs, polar stratospheric clouds) form when temperatures drop below -78C. Polar Stratospheric clouds • Polar winter formation • Have polar vortex • Isolated air mass • Nitrogen oxides held in clouds as nitric acid •NO 3 particles grow and fall out • Facilitates ozone … In addition to this well-known stratospheric ozone depletion, there are also tropospheric ozone depletion events, which occur near the surface in polar regions during spring. OGP InstaClasses- Classroom Program - 2022 (Online & Offline) Year-Long Mains Test Series - 2021; However, another feature of the polar vortex helps explain the discrepancy between model predictions and actual ozone depletion. tances by atmospheric air motions. The severe depletion of the Ozone layer in any particular area is called Ozone Hole. The polar stratospheric clouds in Antarctica are only formed when there are very low temperatures, as low as −80 °C, and early spring conditions. This produces very low temperatures (below -80°C) which favour the generation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC) of ice particles. Generally, we find thinning or depletion of the ozone layer to the extent of ozone hole creation over the southern pole i.e. In warmer temperatures like this year, fewer polar stratospheric clouds form and they don’t persist as long, limiting the ozone-depletion process. Dramatic springtime depletions of ozone in polar regions require that polar stratospheric air has a high degree of dynamical isolation and extremely cold temperatures nec- essary for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds. The polar stratospheric cooling that is a consequence of ozone depletion is largest during austral spring (September-October-November), following the season of maximum ozone depletion [e.g., Previdi and In addition, the stratosphere remained cold, leading to the formation of polar stratospheric clouds which allowed chemical reactions to release reactive forms of chlorine and cause ozone depletion. warming and stratospheric ozone depletion.These changes result in a warming of the troposphere (the bottom 8–16 km of the atmosphere) and a cooling of the stratosphere (the layer above that extends to an altitude of about 50 km and contains the ozone layer).Stratospheric cooling creates a more favourable environ-ment for the formation of polar With springtime warming, the chlorine emerges from these reservoirs in reactive, ozone-destroying vapor. The nature of the Arctic polar stratosphere is observed to be similar in many respects to that of the Antarctic polar stratosphere, where an ozone hole has been identified. Also in 1986, Michael B. McElroy and colleagues described a role for bromine in ozone-depleting reactions. surface are expected to be more influenced by factors other than stratospheric ozone depletion (such as changes in clouds, atmospheric fine particles, and air quality in the lower atmosphere). The pattern of climate trends during the past few decades is marked by rapid cooling and ozone depletion in the polar lower stratosphere of both hemispheres, coupled with an increasing strength of the wintertime westerly polar vortex and a poleward Thus, fallout of the con- great distances by atmospheric air motions. Ozone-depletion studies. The nitric acid in polar stratospheric clouds reacts with chlorofluorocarbons to form chlorine, which catalyzes the photochemical destruction of ozone. The thinning or reduction of Ozone depletion is most prominent in the Polar Regions, especially over Antarctica. Powerful winds have caused cold air to get trapped in the polar vortex. In 1985, a team of scientists from the British Antarctic Survey reported that springtime stratospheric O3 columns over their station at Halley Bay had decreased precipitously since the 1970s (Figure 10-9). The paper also emphasized the need for polar stratospheric clouds to explain the reaction chemistry. (1988) note that during the period of ozone depletion, and within the geo-graphic area affected by the depletion, lower stratospheric air appears to be transported downward. magnitude for that eruption) and thereby increase polar ozone loss [e.g., Deshler et al., 1994; Portmann et al., 1996; Bregman et al., 1997], whether smaller volcanic enhancements in stratospheric sulfate aerosol abundances could have had some influence on polar ozone depletion received less attention.
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