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what happened to wallstreetbets

Posted by | May 28, 2021 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Data by YCharts Indeed, looking at ticker sentiment of WallStreetBets… Despite the fact that the company was far from thriving, hedge fund investors seem to be especially interested in it. Those investors were engaging in something called short selling, and the WallStreetBets community decided to do something about it. Okay so you've read the shitload of bullish god-tiered DD about Mindmed, you like getting high to forget all the red in your portfolio and you feel the urge to bust what's left of your retirement into a meme biotech stock. What Happened: The moderators of WallStreetBets will now allow discussions on Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Dogecoin (DOGE) — but no other cryptocurrency — … Here's why. Still, the cheerleading from commenters on Wallstreetbets does seem to be playing an … What happened Shares of ... being mentioned on Reddit's WallStreetBets forum yesterday. (Bloomberg) -- GameStop Corp. led a bevy of retail trader favorites higher on Tuesday as investors touted the stocks on social media platforms including Twitter, … That's what appears to have happened this past week. The group “r/Wallstreetbets” (aka WSB) is a longstanding subreddit channel where over 3.5 million Reddit users discuss highly speculative trading ideas and strategies. Consumers were a little confused about what happened–for good reason. Yet your weak ass paperhanded reptilian brain is scared. This happened despite no significant news about the company, except for a major push by WallStreetBets (WSB). How short selling works.

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