What could have caused the drop? ... Reddit r/GME AMA with Better Market's Dennis Kelleher. This updates margin requirements hedge funds must put up required by brokers to maintain their positions in a trading account, and now the margin requirement can be increased immediately based on the volatility, price fluctuations with their assets (increasing risks in the market, such as risks shorting AMC/GME). GameStop (NYSE: GME) just keeps delivering, with Monday bringing several major stories for the darling of r/WallStreetBets.GME stock is seeing … Anybody with a basic broker app can look at the 3 month charts and see this correlation. And when GME goes down the rest of the market goes up. ... and the stock is gonna crash when they do ... AMC brings new drama to the stock market Ortex is in on the squeeze. >>36196525 The losses to the US gov from wide-market crash on account of GME vs the capital gains taxes from GMEfags getting rich. Which one do you think is bigger? Hence, when the market has major red days across multiple sectors, GME is still green among a sea of red. They provide the numbers and lately they’ve been providing context to the numbers on Twitter. This will not cause a widespread revolution, because no one except GMEfags gives a fuck about GME or GMEfags. Stocktwits retards have been repurposing GME DD for months but that was only confirmed true for GME. Market Insider is a business news aggregator for traders and investors that proposes to you the latest financial markets news, top stories headlines and trading analysis on stock market, currencies (Forex), cryptocurrency, commodities futures, ETFs & funds, bonds & rates and much more. ... begin to fail, we are going to start seeing a massive sell-off in tech and the entire market in general. So anyone who lived through the 2008 crash can remember one thing, jim cramer's bear stearns video, and the Lehman brothers going down. What a busy day in the stock market! ... could cause the performance of some markets to diverge in the coming weeks. This is bigger than ICC-005. Days after warning of the dangers of a pending market crash due to collateral re-user, the SEC paid him a visit. GME’s dramatic repeat share price rise explained. r/WallStreetBets is making a comeback, Sen. Bernie Sanders is squaring off with Jeff Bezos, and lawmakers are … ... India's stock market … Bitcoin saw a dramatic $10,000 flash crash early on Sunday morning. The original cause of its new rise might be mysterious, but the dynamics at play are quite familiar. Triggering over $10 billion in liquidations over the last 24 hours. /smg/ Stock Market General - "/biz/ - Business & Finance" is 4chan's imageboard for the discussion of business and finance, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Dogecoin. Market will be reassured, and soar, after Powell comes out and holds the market hand and rubs it's shoulders and says everything is going to be okay Anonymous (ID: PA52B6km ) … Trump said electing Biden would crash the markets.
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