Someone was considered a key informant when he or she had a record of theoretical knowledge or extended practical experience in the fields of conflict and raiding in the region . PDF A Study of Causes and Effects of Conflict in Construction ... The impact of coal mining on the environment and community ... The impact of caregiving on work is discussed in the following chapter. (PDF) Conflicts in Africa: Meaning, Causes, Impact and ... PDF Why Single Parenthood Affects Children (pdf) A study was then con- healing, addressing conflict or coming up with interventions. an impact. PDF What is driving Ethiopia's ethnic conflicts? HUMAN MANAGEMENT Community awareness (War Child) that education is really the best weapon against < 1 8 y e a r s 5 0 % 1 8 - 5 9 y e ars 4 6 % 6 0 + y e a r s schooling. The article also studies the impact of the protests on teaching and learning. In effect, the conflicts across the region have for the most part reversed much of the progress why the international community is withdrawing from the idea of "absolute sovereignty" to protect the innocent civilians from the severe suffering of such conflicts and this policy is implemented through humanitarian intervention. Trauma These agreements and disagreements among individuals and groups lead them to conflicts. devastation of such conflicts have far-reaching implications in the socio-economic development of the affected countries. Decreased investment, trade, and productivity, along with human and physical capital destruction (including through forced displacement and Republic of Congo as a result of the conflict there, and the conflict continues. conflicts either respond, by arguing, evading the situation or using violence, or remain unresponsive. Conflict in Schools: Its Causes & Management Strategies Abdul Ghaffar Abstract: Conflict is an essential and unavoidable human phenomenon because where there is human interaction; there is a likelihood of personal likes and dislikes. For ethnicity and ethnic conflict they are many theory that tray explain what happen in the ethnic contexts. Conflict in the Community: A Theory of the Effects of Community Size GORDON S. BLACK University of Rochester Introduction The decade of the 1960s has been a decade of urban conflict and violence, and, as a result, the study of community conflict has suddenly emerged as an important subfield in the discipline of po-litical science. why the international community is withdrawing from the idea of "absolute sovereignty" to protect the innocent civilians from the severe suffering of such conflicts and this policy is implemented through humanitarian intervention. Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 The Landscape of Trauma A There is growing understanding that trauma is widespread and has far-reaching impacts. the adverse effects of conflict and political instability. The effect can be positive or negative on the host community (Mathieson & Wall, 1982). Conflict Management Formative Questionnaire Technical Report Overview What This Questionnaire Measures . Impact On Communities. But three paradigms are famous: Primordial's accounts Primordial views emphasize the primacy of ethnicity, close to kinship, in its impact on the psychological make-up of individuals. Aside from the monetary cost of conflict, there are other consequences: People will no longer want to come into work. In sum, the time and energy demands of caregiving may compete with both work and leisure activities. In worst-case scenarios the psychological consequences can include deep trauma and diminished coping mechanisms. fuelling conflict, poverty and, political unrest. have catastrophic effects on the health and well-being of survivors, their families, and communities at large. Community cohesion is therefore critical to the quality of life of local people and, as community leaders, local Thus, severe family conflict remains a hidden social effect of caregiving, recognized in clinical practice, but unexplored to date in research. between the parties involved. the examination of physical, psychological and social effects not only to the victims, but to their families and the society at large. Very few of these conflicts have attracted serious concern from the international community, although those that have attracted international attention have had a significant impact. During the many years of conflict in Colombia, internal displacement has been dominated by movements of populations from rural areas . FINDINGS conflicting. Unclear or unfair expectations. Ethnic conflict remains the biggest cause of deaths especially in the continent of Africa. In effect, the conflicts across the region have for the most part reversed much of the progress This Series paper focuses on the direct (due to violence) and indirect health effects of armed conflict on women and children (including adolescents) worldwide. The Effects of Internal Displacement on Host Communities. Resolving conflict can be mentally exhausting and emotionally draining. It is the first to provide a comprehensive empirical study about the impact of conflict and political instability on the likelihood of banking crises in developing countries. Despite the internal and external effects of violence, adolescents are more likely to seek help when violence occurs than are preschool or school-aged children (Fusco & Fantuzzo, 2009). Conflict sensitivity . It THE IMPACT OF CONFLICT AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY ON AGRICULTURAL INVESTMENTS IN MALI AND NIGERIA i Mwangi Kimenyi is a senior fellow and director of the Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings . One Earth Future Foundation leads initiatives to improve systems and services that prevent armed conflict. The conflict theoretical perspective was adopted for the study in order to determine the problem at hand. Armed conflict can cause entire populations to experience distrust, fear and animosity. Procedural Conflict: This conflict results when there is a disagreement over the procedures followed to accomplish a goal of the community. Hence, in different schools and different times, conflicts and . There are several common causes of conflict: A lack of common understanding. Effect of Employee Conflict on Businesses. These studies can be classified into two broad groups. security and conflict, focusing on mechanisms that can shield consumers and producers from food price shocks. Conflicts consequently will have long and short-term consequences on human development, which in turn constitutes a major impediment to the achievement of the 2030 agenda. One of the most damaging effects 4 % REFUGEES Children below 18 years constituted 50 percent of the refugee population in 2013 . The RTC Impact Fund is a full spectrum philanthropic grantmaker and social impact investor that supports communities seeking to harness their natural resources for equitable sustainable development. It lessen the effects of conflicts on communities even as they take place and to de-escalate conflict itself until peace has been restored. Second, there persisted violent conflicts between various ethnic groups over a wide range of issues.14 These included differences over killil (region or federal unit) borders and grazing lands, as well as power struggles among communal groups to control regions. Corruption perceptions impact negatively on economic growth . Power plays and manipulations. through which these effects are transmitted: economic hardship, loss of parental support and supervision, lack of community resources, parental conflict, and life stress and instability. It is one of the most powerfully positive factors for change in a society. Conflicts worldwide have shut the dreams of so many people. community on issues affecting them in order to come up with more effective ways of . confidence in local people. Economic Hardship Poverty is the most profound and pervasive factor underlying developmental problems of the young. a lack of money, the first effect of imperialist colonisation was the development of cultivation of cash crops for the market, and particularly the introduction of money forms. Similarly, Bloomfield, Ghai, and Reilly (2003) opine that conflict itself is not necessarily a negative process. A Case Study of Zimbabwe Mining Development . 3 Effective conflict management involves the use of an assortment of styles dependent on the conditions of the conflict.4 This article provides an overview of conflict management strategies through a literature review. The THE IMPACT OF CONFLICT AND POLITICAL INSTABILITY ON AGRICULTURAL INVESTMENTS IN MALI AND NIGERIA i Mwangi Kimenyi is a senior fellow and director of the Africa Growth Initiative at the Brookings . Using qualitative research methods, the research sought evidence of the negative effects stakeholder conflicts have on projects. country often face similar limitations. It can also impact our capacity to to intervene without getting triggered. Food insecurity - especially when caused by a rise in food prices - is a threat and impact multiplier for violent . Communities that experience natural disasters tend to unite, while those affected by armed conflict tend to divide. Conflict can have both short term and long term effects on the physical and psychological health of the individuals involved in or affected by the conflict. community. Trauma can impact both the reactions we imagine are appropriate for a given situation and our interpretation and experiences of others' reactions and responses. In Africa's conflict zones, where systems of justice and security are further weakened by armed conflict, at least one in four women experience conflict-related sexual violence (Spangaro et al., 2013). A third party is defined as an actor that helps the conflict parties resolve the conflict or regulate the level of violence (Pruitt & Kim 2004). Research on the impact of conflict on agriculture has been hampered by the type of data available. conflicts have both life-affirming and life-destroying aspects. Once peace has been achieved, effective processes are . The Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) collated by Transparency International, ranked South Africa 61 out of 168 countries with a score of 44 out of 100 (with 100 being the least corrupt) in 2015, which is down from 45 in 2010, 50 in 2000 and 56 in 1995. Thus, conflicts can be harmful or harmless to humankind (Adeleke, 2018:18). 13 Finally, it discusses ways in which the international community can assist in breaking this link and build peace. Conflict according to Imhabekhai (2009) connotes disagreement, imbalance or distortion in beliefs, values and situations within, between or among individuals, persons, groups, communities, states, tribes and countries. ternational community, set out an ambitious peace agenda including large investments in new technology, early warning systems, and capacity-building programs for the country's peace in-frastructure. 4 (4), Serial No. The impact of conflict in the workplace can be devastating. The various management possibilities are presented according to the characteristics of conflict (whether they relate to humans, production, animals and the environment), rather than according to their ability to prevent or mitigate damage. The lack of adequate response on the part of both the government and industry, and the continuing issues of environmental pollution and adverse community effects, have resulted in on-going (and possibly escalating) conflict situations in the form of community activisim, protests and litigation. The community partners were sixth graders . Summary The causes of conflicts and crisis in school management revolve around status (personality, identity, etc), power (quest for dominance, positions of authority with the associated responsibilities), and resources (financial benefits, material benefits, welfare packages etc). 2 "Conflict, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management and Beyond: A Conceptual Exploration" is a Concept Paper published by the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road Studies Program. They will bad-mouth the company, ("It's not a nice place to work; don't do business there,") to prospective customers, prospective employees, and prospective vendors. country often face similar limitations. It was discovered that political violence as brought a lot conflicts in Nigeria among ethnics, nations, religions and tribes. Conflicts result from As part of the Selected Study Module Programme at Barts and The London, we developed an undergraduate module to examine issues in conflict recovery in the community in November 2000, in collaboration with . School Community ournal V o 237 Avaae at ttstetrras Parent-Teacher Conflict Related to Student Abilities: The Impact on Students and the Family-School Partnership Kara Lasater Abstract Family-school partnerships have a positive impact on both students and schools, yet they remain challenging to establish and maintain, particularly in 17, October, 2010 ISSN 1994-9057 (Print) ISSN 2070-0083 (Online) Conflicts in Africa: Meaning, Causes, Impact and Solution (Pp.549-560) Aremu, Johnson Olaosebikan - Department of History and International Studies, University of Ado- Ekiti . But in places where signs of these conflicts have been detected early, they have managed to stay out of them. it is a costly way of settling disputes. Introduction Conflict, a social phenomenon that takes place between or among individuals, groups, organization and nations (Rubin, 1994), is an inseparable part of human and social life. The study aimed at assessing the impact of conflicts in the horn of Africa with a special focus on Kenya. NATO's preventive steps in the Balkans have been implemented within the framework of the "humanitarian Sexual assault and exploitation are frequently employed as tools of war; victimization leads Negative effects of conflict Conflict is the most vigorous form of social interaction and evokes the deepest passions and strongest emotions which can disrupt social unity. The approach is inherently preventative (where the 'control paradigm' is reactive), in that it addresses the likely causes of conflict and instability well before there effects are felt. View Show . repercussions these conflicts have on projects drawing on primary research in Kenyase, one of the major mining communities in Ghana where community development processes are more structured. Impact of corruption . Conflict causes social disorder, chaos and confusion. The Concept Paper Series is the Joint Center's paper series addressing topics and concepts of foremost importance for understanding the dynamics of analysis of the Somali Peace Process and Sudan peace process, the causes of conflict and the impact of spill over conflict into Kenya from the conflict in the Horn of Africa. This paper was undertaking to ascertain the effects of political violence on social development in Nigeria. The effect of conflict also appears to be conditional on certain macroeconomic characteristics, with stronger institutions and fiscal fundamentals helping to mitigate the adverse economic impact of conflicts. 4.6.4 Internal Conflict Causes due to Behavioural Problems 57 4.6.5 Overview Mean Ranking for Causes of Conflict 59 4.7 Effects of Internal Conflict in Construction Industry 62 4.7.1 Time related effects 62 4.7.2 Cost related effects 64 4.7.3 Productivity and Quality Effects 65 4.7.4 Organizational/ Business- related effects 67 The effects of ethnic conflict and violence on schools and communities in the country were investigated at five schools on Guadalcanal and their host communities nearby. Proponents of primordialist accounts of ethnic scale communal conflicts based on regional, ethnic, religious or other groupings, and domestic violence (World Bank, 2011, p. xv). These conflicts also have the tendency of not only destroying the warring factions‟ involved, innocent civilians including women and children are also normally brutalized, killed, maimed and grossly abused2. An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, Ethiopia Vol. address the pressing issues of the impact of conflict on women and girls but a moral obligation exists as well. The Impact of Mining Activities on Local People and Environment. Employees who get caught in conflicts tend to be less productive, experience higher stress levels and have low morale. A hostile work environment can affect your company's bottom line, leading to lost sales and poor customer experience. conflict analysis (eg community, district, region or national) with the level of intervention (eg project, sector, policy), it is also important to establish systematic linkages with other interrelated levels of conflict dynamics. [75] Gender-based violence is one of the most effective ways of terrorizing communities. This is particularly true when the conflict becomes hostile and when strong feelings become involved. To support war-affected children, it is It is the former, inter-ethnic conflicts: trends, causes, effects and interventions in rumuruti division of laikipia county, kenya (1963 - 2010) by warurii, fredrick kariuki The first compare pre- and post-conflict data and examine changes in crop production. CHAPTER 2 Conflict analysis 1 Global Conflict Trends and their Consequences* Lars-Erik Cederman and Yannick Pengl ETH Zürich May 21, 2019 This report addresses the evolution of the main types of armed conflict around the world. Children and Armed Conflict: Introduction and Overview Michael G. Wessells Columbia University Worldwide, children suffer a diverse and toxic array of effects of armed conflict, which increasingly are protracted and intermixed with problems such as terrorism. The predominant approach to dealing with trauma is screening and treatment, consistent with a medical model. In order to achieve this, the article first outlines the protests in full detail including the causes and nature of the protests. Conflict is a term used to describe a struggle or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, or goals. ineffective conflict management pro-duces more conflict and destructively effects the whole organization. Local communities can mix with people from diverse backgrounds with different lifestyles which through 'demonstration effect' may lead to the development of improved lifestyles and practices from the tourists' examples; Insecurity situation is created when there is conflict or crisis in a community. Women and children bear substantial morbidity and mortality as a result of armed conflicts. traditions and standards. But it is important to realize that conflict that requires resolution is neither good nor bad. In sum, this study focused on the effects of violence within the school and community environment. The effects of ethnic conflict and violence on schools and communities in the country were investigated at five schools on Guadalcanal and their host communities nearby. What's worse was that these hours translated into the wastage of 385 . Violence, Conflict, and Community Service-Learning: Measuring Impact on Students and Community Erica Scharrer, Leda Cooks Abstract University students were involved in the design, imple-mentation, and assessment of a program in local schools on conflict and violence in the media and in one's own life. effect, by instating longer-term protection of crops or herds. WOMEN & CONFLICT, 2007 women and conflict: an introductory guide to programming While conflict inflicts suffering on everyone, women are particularly affected by its short- and long-term effects. However, conflict is inevitable, and in principle all conflicts cannot be resolved and managed (Ramani & Zhimin, 2010). Effects of war on women and girls Modern warfare has had a devastating effect on the lives and dignity of women and girls, as well as on the health and educational services that are essential to family and community survival. There can be positive and negative outcomes as seen in the box below. Important components of the study include theoretical discussion of concepts such as conflict, education, conflict resolution, peace building and social reconstruction. Violent conflicts come with a high level of wreckage on lives, property, and survival networks. We must note that, with some exceptions, this cultivation for sale is materially different from production for self-consumption. Keywords: school conflicts, teachers 1. Effectively delivering community cohesion also tackles the fractures in society which may lead to conflict and ensures that the gains which changing communities bring are a source of strength to local areas. The main purpose of the article is a practical theological reflection on the impact of the Vuwani protests on teaching and . community interviews, key informants were interviewed to get a more distant view on raiding motives, conflict trend lines and conflict effects on rural livelihoods. Being able to identify the specific cause of the conflict you're dealing with will help you better overcome these challenges and remain effective in your organization. They have brought some people a lot of agony and distress all their lives. According to a study on workplace conflict,commissioned by CPP Inc, publishers of the Myers-Briggs Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, in 2008, US employees spent 2.8 hours per week dealing with conflict. These linkages are important, as all of these different levels impact on each other. Effects of land conflicts • 54% have land holding size greater than area cultivated • 20% of the hh experiencing land conflicts no longer own • 40% of the hh reporting conflicts have no sufficient land for farming • 90% of the hh reported not easier to access land than 5-10 yrs ago due to conflicts. NATO's preventive steps in the Balkans have been implemented within the framework of the "humanitarian While manifestations of conflict can range from minor disagreements to physical violence, conflict is a The National Steering Committee (NSC) on Peacebuilding and Conflict Manage- Download Full PDF Package. Conflicts consequently will have long and short-term consequences on human development, which in turn constitutes a major impediment to the achievement of the 2030 agenda. The genocide in Rwanda (itself a part of an internal conflict) and the wars in the Balkans that marked the break up We call the first "export implies understanding conflict dynamics and the potential effects of interventions on them, to avoid negative impacts and maximise positive ones (Conflict Sensitivity Consortium, 2012, p. 2 . Employee, customer, and vendor loyalty will be lost, and . Armed conflict terrorizes and kills large numbers of people, creates economic dislocation, human and . 5.1.0 Conflict-underdevelopment model 47 5.2.0 Impact of violent conflicts on household economies 49 5.2.1 Economic Effects 49 5.2.2 Loss of Assets 50 5.2.3 Disruption or loss of Livelihoods 50 5.2.4 Human Capital Effects 51 5.2.5 Population Displacement Effects 53 The conflicts were both causes and effects of the escalation of contending Conflict affects the smooth running of the teaching and learning process, but, if carefully examined and managed it leads to peaceful coexistence between teachers and their school leaders. We estimate that nearly 36 million children and 16 million women were displaced in 2017, on the basis of international databases of refugees . There have been disputes over land use, property rights and environmental minimize [conflict-related] risk than to maximize profit" (p. 210). Poor communication skills. Previous studies have provided several claims on the specific Important components of the study include theoretical discussion of concepts such as conflict, education, conflict resolution, peace building and social reconstruction. 4.6.4 Internal Conflict Causes due to Behavioural Problems 57 4.6.5 Overview Mean Ranking for Causes of Conflict 59 4.7 Effects of Internal Conflict in Construction Industry 62 4.7.1 Time related effects 62 4.7.2 Cost related effects 64 4.7.3 Productivity and Quality Effects 65 4.7.4 Organizational/ Business- related effects 67 The other strategy in conflict management is third-party intervention whereby management hires an external consultant to solve the problem. This conflict can be a positive form of conflict as it . The impact of armed conflict on people and systems vital to their survival can take different forms, as the following examples illustrate: — When Rwandan refugees fled into former Zaire, the mortality rate rose sharply, to as much as 10 times what is regarded as the threshold of extreme emergency. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,

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