If checked, dungeons and raids will be shown. Theramore Isle, the capital of the Dustwallow Marsh, is the Alliance's only human stronghold in Kalimdor.With a population of 9,500 people, LoM 36 it is the home and sanctuary of Jaina Proudmoore. Home ; Uncategorized; dustwallow marsh tbc; dustwallow marsh tbc. ... Shady Rest Inn in Dustwallow Marsh (or what’s left of it). Jaina Proudmore can be found in the keep of Theramore Isle. To learn a trip master"s easily accessible courses, you should click the flight grasp. From Theramore, run northwest into Dustwallow Marsh and follow the road as it winds north, then west, then south, and then west again toward the Barrens. Fly to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands, and take the boat to Theramore. Jaina Proudmore can be found in the keep of Theramore Isle. From Stormwind, go to Stormwind Harbor, then take a boat to Rut'theran Village. Report to Calia Hastings at Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh.. 1 Lore 2 Server Lore 2.1 The Theramore Task Force 2.2 Dark Blades 2.3 The State of Theramore Theramore Isle is not only the Alliance's heavily fortified stronghold in Kalimdor and capital of the Dustwallow Marsh with a population of 9,500 people, but also the official home of the new Alliance in Kalimdor. Hearth to Ironforge. If checked, flight points will be shown. then run through the swamp to the Barrens, then south and sneak past the Horde guards at the great lift, (unless you are a Mage, use slowfall hehe.) The Horde equivalent is the zeppelin airship, although some docked Forsaken ships have appeared in Northrend. While Theramore Isle is a large Alliance settlement, it is surrounded by Horde territory. Menethil is yet another place wrecked by Deathwing, as part of the town has sunken while the rest remains flooded. Fly to Camp Taurajo in The Barrens for #29. You will see a map tracking your journey to the Eastern Kingdoms. Dustwallow Marsh starts to come into play for the mid to high 30's. I think the best way to travel from Stormwind is to take this route: Take the deeprun tram from Stormwind to Ironforge, then proceed to Wetlands and when you enter Wetlands, find Menethil Harbour, from there, take the boat/ship to Dustwallow Marsh! To get to Dustwallow Marsh, go on the LEFT boat at Menethil Harbor (wetlands) You will arrive at Theramore, go out the gates, and you are in Dustwallow Marsh from there, to get to the Scroll you need to complete the 2nd part of Cortello's Riddle, you can use this screen shot to guide you For the glory and honor of the Alliance! You can get a lot of quests from the inn and most of them are right outside of town. Fly to Mudsprocket in Dustwallow Marsh for #27. Go to the docks take the southern boat. Trivia: Although not officially considered a dungeon, Dustwallow Marsh is home to one of the max-level elite areas, Alcaz Island. Dustwallow Marsh is home to one raid instance, Onyxia's Lair, and is intended for level 33-50 players. If checked, boat harbors, zeppelin towers and tram stations will be shown. Also dustwallow marsh is one of the few places in classic wow where the quests give decent items as rewards. In world of warcraft how do you get to stranglethorn from dustwallow marsh? Guarded by lots of mean red raptors. These NPCs or objects can be found in Dustwallow Marsh, Ashenvale. Kommentar von 337267 The Call of Kalimdor, given by Gim'hila in Booty Bay, to take the boat to Ratchet counts for this achievement. Head to Gadgetzan and base yourself there. Theramore Isle is a port city that has boats that lead to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands (The Lady Mehley). Travel North towards Camp Taurajo (Warning Horde). 32: Secondhand Diving Gear: Bring the Tool Kit and Damaged Diving Gear to Renn McGill in the Dustwallow Marsh. It only has one dock in Theramore, but docks on the left side in Menethil Harbor. Then your route is East to the road junction, north to Arathi Highlands, and west to Hillsbarad. Oddly I started finishing off these added achievements in Dustwallow, so I 'missed' this one since I didnt do it in order - and this is the one I was stuck at with 49/50. Location Theramore Isle within Classic World Of Warcraft. If you’re looking for the classic, pre-Mists of Pandaria version of Theramore (for example, if you’re trying to complete Loremaster), look for Zidormi located at the end of the bridge between Thereamore and Dustwallow Marsh. From here, do … 9 to get a whopping 13600276. From Menethil Harbour fly to Nethergarde Keep. The Lady Mehley: This boat will take you from Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh (middle of Kalimdor) to Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands (middle of Eastern Kingdoms). You get it from Nat Pagle @ 58,60 in Dustwallow Marsh. This NPC can be found in Dustwallow Marsh (2). From Nethergarde Keep fly to Booty Bay. Wait for the boat to dock, and step off of the boat. Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. Trees obscure the sunlight and raptors, spiders, and crocolisks lie in wait, hunting those brave enough to venture close to their lairs. The theramore docks wow freakz footlocker dustwallow marsh wowwiki theramore isle wowpedia your wiki dustwallow marsh clic wow wiki The [...] Skip to content. Hi! Fly to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands, and take the boat to Theramore. NPC Balos Jacken in Lost Point tower should not be killed, but when he is near death he should give option to player to finish quest. If checked, dungeons and raids will be shown. - 330 exp, 10 rep Stormwind, 0 silver; Flight to Theremore - 330 exp, 10 rep Alliance, 3.5 silver; Before picking up a Hero's Call quest you might want to check to see if there is a breadcrumb quest available. Travel to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh and talk to Captain Garran Vimes in the main barracks. This video shows how to get from Wetlands to Dustwallow Marsh Vanilla location. Presumably you were here at an earlier level to register the flight path, and to complete the quest from Menethil Harbor, Wetlands: Red Eye Jack – Fiora Longears. This is best for characters who are at least level 40+, as Dustwallow Marsh's roads are not safe and the mob levels are higher. You watching: How to get to dustwallow marsh alliance Take the boat to Theramore. This quest guide is designed to be completed by the solo adventurer. Although there is little activity in the area, the Alliance and the Horde have recently expanded their influence in the region. Lore: During Warcraft 3, Rexxar, working for Thrall came to Dustwallow marsh to gain the aid of the Ogres against the Human forces lead by General Proudmore, Jaina Proudmore's father. This is the only physical path in and out of the zone, otherwise players can reach it via flightpath, Hearthstone, or by boat from Theramore Isle. From Theramore Isle, swim north along the coast, then go west (safer than going through Dustwallow Marsh). Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. Comentario de 337267 The Call of Kalimdor, given by Gim'hila in Booty Bay, to take the boat to Ratchet counts for this achievement. ... You can reach Theramore Isle by taking the boat from Menethil or traveling across the marsh from the Southern Barrens. See if you remember this World of Warcraft PC zone teeming with crocolisks, ogres, and the like. Hero's Call: Dustwallow Marsh! 2 Answers. 3. This article purported to demonstrate a statistically significant difference in longevity between right- and lef- handers, based on data collected about professional baseball players: The Zone houses Theramore for the Alliance which is your main connection point via boat from the other continent and an ogre run Horde village to the north. Auberdine can be reached from other boats coming from Darnassus via Rut'theran Village or Menethil Harbour located in Dustwallow Marsh. Next stop was the auction house. Pass CT, and go up the path until you see tents & 2 humans. This is best for characters who are at least level 40+, as Dustwallow Marsh's roads are not safe and the mob levels are higher. Lore: During Warcraft 3, Rexxar, working for Thrall came to Dustwallow marsh to gain the aid of the Ogres against the Human forces lead by General Proudmore, Jaina Proudmore's father. Jaina Proudmore can be found in the keep of Theramore Isle. ... Boat Wowwiki Fandom. The NPC panel has been upgraded to allow some specific filtering, you can … 1 decade ago. Take the boat … Formerly, it used to be a … Answer Save. Stranglethorn Vale, Dustwallow Marsh: Level 40 - 43. If checked, boat harbors, zeppelin towers and tram stations will be shown. This major port city represents the Alliance presence in the Wetlands. I'm sure an eager member of the Alliance such as you can do some real good there. Previous guide: Book 8, 37-39 Next guide: Book 10, 44-46. It only has one dock in Theramore, but docks on the left side in Menethil Harbor. From there, you'd travel north, through Tanaris, Through Thousand Needles, up the great lift, through southern Barrens, and then head east to Dustwallow Marsh) --- From Auburdine, Travel east until you get to the Barrens, then head south. If you want the unprocessed originals without the logo, you can download the Originals (.zip 15.8MB) pack instead. To get to Dustwallow Marsh, go on the LEFT boat at Menethil Harbor (wetlands) You will arrive at Theramore, go out the gates, and you are in Dustwallow Marsh from there, to get to the Scroll you need to complete the 2nd part of Cortello's Riddle, you can use this screen shot to guide you On your way pickup the flight points in Theramore, and Arathi Highlands (Refuge Point), and of course at your destination of Southshore. Go to Dustwallow Marsh and fish in any inland open water until your skill reaches 225. Menethil Harbor (men-a-thill) is a dwarven port town on the western shore of the Wetlands, on a small island. Or, if you have Lich King, take the ship from Stormwind to Northrend, fly to Dalaran, take the portal to the Caverns of Time. Now he just falls dead like any other enemy. It is a quest hub with a flight master, inn, graveyard, anvil, forge and mailbox. edited 6 years ago. Theramore is a rocky island east of Dustwallow; the city, which bears the same name as the island, is alternatively known as Theramore Keep. There is an alternative route to get to Tanaris that is much quicker for players in Dustwallow Marsh. If you cannot pick up this quest you have either completed one of … Craft bandages or fish while you wait. WoW Classic serves as the remake version of the original title to offer you enhanced gameplay and detailed mechanics. World of Warcraft Classic is difficult to get around in, but this guide is designed to help any race get to Desolace for some much needed gold. She's now in Darkshore, on the dock at 33,42. From Theramore, run northwest into Dustwallow Marsh and follow the road as it winds north, then west, then south, and then west again toward the Barrens. Boats (aka sea vessels) are a form of transportation, mostly in use between Alliance ports, but also between some neutral ports. I would think if you wanted a higher level fishing above 225 then see in Nat pagle. Start of XP Circuit: 1. Minimum /played: 1 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes, 0 seconds ... Take the boat from Ratchet to Booty Bay, a boat shows up every 05:50. For those who haven't been there yet, Dustwallow Marsh, aside from a new mob skin changes, hasn't changed one bit. Menu. The quickest way to get to Dustwallow Marsh in "World of Warcraft" is by travelling to the Wetlands and taking the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore Isle, the capital of Dustwallow Marsh. 36-37 Stranglethorn. If checked, group icons will use a modern, class-colored design. Boats stay docked for exactly 60 seconds, then depart. gamble_51. Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. 220 - 230 10 x Black Mageweave Gloves - 20 Bolt of Mageweave, 20 Heavy Silken Thread; 230 - 250 Also dustwallow marsh is one of the few places in classic wow where the quests give decent items as rewards. Fly to Menethil Harbor, Wetlands. Ride from Nat Pagle through Dustwallow Marsh to Thousand Needles. Then your route is East to the road junction, north to Arathi Highlands, and west to Hillsbarad. Also dustwallow marsh is one of the few places in classic wow where the quests give decent items as rewards. Find flight master and fly to Darkshore. After a minute the boat will take off! Ride to Nijel Point. you have to fly to Menethil harbor (PVP zone), take the first boat to Dustwallow Marsh, then take a second boat to Auberdine, then take a third boat to Darnassus. I figured that there would be one of those 'go talk to x' quests though and I was right. This is best for characters who are at least level 40+, as Dustwallow Marsh's roads are not safe and the mob levels are higher. You must aid SI:7's Calia Hastings in uncovering the threats to Theramore, both within the city and beyond its walls. Fly from Nijel Point to Auberdine. Good luck! This town is named Shady Rest. Also dustwallow marsh is one of the few places in classic wow where the quests give decent items as rewards. Take the boat to Theramore Isle (68,53) in Dustwallow Marsh and from here fly to Ratchet (63,37), in the Barrens. Goldshire, Elwynn Forest It only has one dock in Theramore, but docks on the left side in Menethil Harbor. I wasn’t really questioning anything, so I just followed. Dustwallow Marsh (Alliance) Posted on July 9, 2006 by paullynch. Lore: During Warcraft 3, Rexxar, working for Thrall came to Dustwallow marsh to gain the aid of the Ogres against the Human forces lead by General Proudmore, Jaina Proudmore's father. The Alliance city-state of Theramore was located on a small island east off shore but was eventually destroyed by a mana bomb ordered by the then … Comentado por Eccentrica As with all other breadcrumb quests, this quest is mutually exclusive with To New Thalannar (Dustwallow Marsh version) and Hero's Call: Thousand Needles.This quest offers greater xp. Ce PNJ se trouve dans Marécage d'Âprefange (Dustwallow Marsh). 35-36 Dustwallow. Menethil Harbor is a port town on the western shore of the Wetlands. Fly to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands, and take the boat to Theramore. Dustwallow Marsh is a swamp in central Kalimdor, with Theramore Isle as its main port city. Oddly I started finishing off these added achievements in Dustwallow, so I 'missed' this one since I didnt do it in order - and this is the one I was stuck at with 49/50. At the docks, get the quest James Hyal.As well, its time to complete where we left off on The Missing Diplomat - speak to Mikhail inside the inn, then Defeat Tapoke Jahn to get the next step in The Missing Diplomat. Land in Auberdine and go to the Docks, take the southern most boat and ride to Stormwind! The way to get there for alliance is to take that boat from Menethil, which goes to Theramore-Duskwallow marsh. Train your skills. Teldrassil / Darnassus; How To Get To The Hinterlands From Stormwind From Lor'danel in Darkshore (see below), take a free hippogryph ride to Rut'theran Village. From Ashenvale, go east of Astranaar and then south. If you would like to use the original screengrabs they are free for non-commercial use providing that proper credit and attribution is made to this page in the form of a link to https://barrens.chat on your website or publication. Take FP to Dustwallow Marsh, honor the flame in Theramore (62,40), run to Brackenwall Village and desecrate Horde Flame (33,31). Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. From Theramore, run northwest into Dustwallow Marsh and follow the road as it winds north, then west, then south, and then west again toward the Barrens. What dungeon is in tanaris? Trivia: Although not officially considered a dungeon, Dustwallow Marsh is home to one of the max-level elite areas, Alcaz Island. Dustwallow Marsh, Theramore Isle Dustwallow Marsh, Mudsprocket Barrens, Ratchet Stonetalon Muntains, Stonetalon Peak Desolace, Nijel’s Point Feralas, Feathermoon Stronghold Tanaris, Gadgetzan Silithus, Cenarion Hold. NPCs Listing for WoW - World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, Burning Crusade, WoW, maps, guides, items, quests Trivia: Although not officially considered a dungeon, Dustwallow Marsh is home to one of the max-level elite areas, Alcaz Island. The night elves of Teldrassil claim the shore as part of their new kingdom, and sentinels patrol the road from the port of Auberdine towards Ashenvale to the south. Wow Clic 30 40 Horde Leveling Mmo Gs. Tada, you're in Stormwind! Answer Save. Traveling for SW to Dustwallow Marsh. 220 - 260. Thousand Needles to Feralas. Inside the instance, the best spot to fish is in the Dreamer’s Rock, the northern chamber, where Naralex is sleeping, because there are no mobs there. I think this is a bit much (seeing Horde can boat to bootybay from Ratchet easily). How to get to Tanaris from Stormwind with his help, knows a much smaller number of gamers. For World of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How do you get to Dustwallow Marsh from Stormwind? Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. The Grim Gruzzler in the middle of Blackrock Depths. Take boat to Theramore. From what it looks like, it's always been a mistake to have Fiona Longears in Theramore, as she simply sends you off to Astranaar, which results in you getting back on the boat, going back to Menethil Harbor, and taking yet a third boat over to Ashenvale. Within the city are many vendors; a First Aid trainer, the Deepwater Tavern, and a gryphon Flight Master. Sar'theris Striker - This fish is in Desolace near another horde town called Shadowprey village and it's pretty far south near the zone to Feralas and west of the Gelkis clan over on that coast. Sign in if you want to contribute to this page.. Privacy policy Manage Cookie Settings Presumably you were here at an earlier level to register the flight path, and to complete the quest from Menethil Harbor, Wetlands: Red Eye Jack – Fiora Longears. Take the boat from Ratchet and you will appear in Booty Bay. 1 decade ago. Board the boat and play around, minding not to fall off. Quests in the zone are still available. Quest: "Help for Mudsprocket", in Dustwallow Marsh zone, can not be done. All wallpapers are 2560x1080px. So we get on a boat to Theramore. It was originally settled with the sole purpose of survival. WoW Classic: How To Get To Desolace. Past level 80, the quickest way to is take the portal from Stormwind to Uldum and simply fly to Tanaris. But I chose Stranglethorn Vale because it was a port city. Theramore Isle (a.k.a. Jaina Proudmore can be found in the keep of Theramore Isle. Lore: During Warcraft 3, Rexxar, working for Thrall came to Dustwallow marsh to gain the aid of the Ogres against the Human forces lead by General Proudmore, Jaina Proudmore's father. Well, you can run/ride to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh, and take the boat to Menethil Harbour in the Wetlands. There are several options like Feralas, Dustwallow Marsh or the badlands. Theramore Isle is a port city that has boats that lead to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands (The Lady Mehley). Quest: "The Deserters", in Dustwallow Marsh zone, can not be done. From Auberdine take the boat to Menethil Harbour. After that head east again to Dustwallow Marsh… Tanaris / Gadgetzan; From Theramore Isle, swim south, drown when you get into Tanaris waters, drown, resurrect there. There ya go! The inn in Gorgrond with some special innkeepers. Jaina Proudmore can be found in the keep of Theramore Isle. Report to Calia Hastings at Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh. How to get to Tanaris from Stormwind with his help, knows a much smaller number of gamers. This is a chest instead of a scroll, and contains the 14 slot backpack. Dustwallow Marsh is a vast and ancient swamp in Central Kalimdor that is home to many old and wonderful beasts. In the years after the inn's construction, a small village grows up around it. dustwallow marsh tbc. When you hit level forty two hop the boat over to Kalimdor and head to Tanaris. I only ecountered 1 troll Hunter, and he was too busy hunting. Quests in this zone remain mostly unchanged from pre-Cataclysm, with discontent in Theramore , skirmishes against ogres, and the threat of the black dragonflight. Dustwallow Marsh is home to one raid instance, Onyxia's Lair, and is intended for level 33-50 players. The boat inn in Booty Bay. Boat leaving Theramore. The quickest way to get to Dustwallow Marsh in "World of Warcraft" is by travelling to the Wetlands and taking the boat from Menethil Harbor to Theramore Isle, the capital of Dustwallow Marsh. There is a small exploit for alliance players to … Theramore is a rocky island east of Dustwallow; the city, which bears the same name as the island, is alternatively known as Theramore Keep. Darkshore is a long strip of coast on the northwestern part of Kalimdor.It its known for its characteristically shadowed woods and sandy beaches, littered with ancient ruins and mountainside caves. Once in the Dustwallow Marsh, follow the path until you reach the Barrens (HORDE Territory). Trivia: Although not officially considered a dungeon, Dustwallow Marsh is home to one of the max-level elite areas, Alcaz Island. From the Eastern Kingdom to Kalimdor: From any flight path in the Eastern Kingdom fly to Menethil Harbor, take the boat to Dustwallow Marsh and you're there! Report to Calia Hastings at Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh. Jaina Proudmore can be found in the keep of Theramore Isle. 32: Recover the Cargo! Also dustwallow marsh is one of the few places in classic wow where the quests give decent items as rewards. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ". Lore: During Warcraft 3, Rexxar, working for Thrall came to Dustwallow marsh to gain the aid of the Ogres against the Human forces lead by General Proudmore, Jaina Proudmore's father. The Theramore Docks Vanilla About Dock Photos Mtgimage. For those on a PvP realm, this boat might be your safest option to reach The Barrens. Take the Quiz: World of Warcraft - Dustwallow Marsh. Alliance players cannot usage Horde trip masters, and vice versa. 20. This guide is not a follow-up to any guide, but it will be in your best interest if you have made Boston's Leveling Guide, because a lot of … Many dragons of the black dragonflight, including Onyxia and Emberstrife, reside here. Wow, talk about a time warp. It was originally settled with the sole purpose of survival. Dustwallow Marsh Map with Locations, NPCs and Quests - World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, Burning Crusade, WoW, maps, guides, items, quests BTW, I was shocked at seeing Wetlands. An additional Alliance boat in Menethil Harbor travels to Theramore Isle in Kalimdor. It only has one dock in Theramore, but docks on the left side in Menethil Harbor. Sitting on this crystal boat shining with dazzling rays of light, she has an inexplicable sense of happiness, even if she is experienced and knowledgeable. The other boat goes to Menethil Harbor in the Eastern Kingdoms. He is on the top floor of a small building that is the first on the left after getting off the boat. Comment by 53803 Get to […] But… he wanted to go through Dustwallow Marsh. For Alliance toons: If you're below level 30 or don't have the Gadgetzan flight point, the journey to the shores of Tanaris requires a long swim from Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh in Kalimdor. Alliance warlocks have only a 3-step sequence, but during the course of it they must travel to The Barrens, which is Horde territory; one must get there either through Ashenvale (the safest approach), Dustwallow Marsh, or via boat from Stranglethorn Vale to Ratchet. Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. Comment by Thottbot With the 2.3 patch, Fiona Longears has moved. Get to Menethil Harbor north of Ironforge and take a boat directly to Theramore. You do not have to see Nat pagle in Dustwallow Marsh, just buy the book (about 1 gold) and get max level 225 fishing. At the docks, get the pursuit James Hyal.As well, its time to complete wbelow we left off on The Missing Diplomat - stop to Mikhail inside the inn, then Defeat Tapoke Jahn to obtain the following action in The Missing Diplomat. Find flight master and fly to Darkshore. Finally, the only way to reach the Exodar by yourself is to take a boat from Auberdine, a small Night Elf village located along the coast of Darkshore. From Stormwind, go to Stormwind Harbor, then take a boat (on left) to Darnassus. Travelling to the Wetlands by gryphon through a pre-learned flight path is the quickest way to get to Menethil Harbor. From Theramore Isle, swim north along the coast, then go west (safer than going through Dustwallow Marsh). 40-42 Stranglethorn. … It has a boat that sails to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh, on the continent of Kalimdor. Hero's Call: Dustwallow Marsh! Then my BF said we have to go to the Barrens. World of Warcraft Classic, developed by Blizzard Entertainment, is an MMORPG game released for PC and Mac OS. Shady Rest Inn in Dustwallow Marsh. The BEST way to get to the location is to take the boat from Menethil to Theramore. (requires level 35 and Fishing 225). The theramore docks vanilla wow about theramore isle wowpedia your wiki dustwallow marsh clic wow wiki theramore isle wowpedia your wiki theramore by boat. Dustwallow Marsh is an ancient swamp that is home to many beasts. Within the city are many vendors; a First Aid trainer, the Deepwater Tavern, and a gryphon flight master. Nikki. So this is bug. 39-40 Badlands. Dustwallow Marsh; From Dun Morogh, reach Menethil Harbor in the Wetlands, then take a boat to Theramore Isle. Run to Mulgore through The Barrens and desecrate Horde fire in Bloodhoof Village (53,60) . Boats, also known as ships or sea vessels, are a form of transportation, mostly in use between Alliance ports, but also between some neutral ports. Lore: During Warcraft 3, Rexxar, working for Thrall came to Dustwallow marsh to gain the aid of the Ogres against the Human forces lead by General Proudmore, Jaina Proudmore's father. Ask in Trade chat or General chat for a mage player to make you a portal there. It's a long fall, or a long run through level 50ish agro turtles. ... Dustwallow Marsh. Also dustwallow marsh is one of the few places in classic wow where the quests give decent items as rewards. 9 to get a whopping 13600276. Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. I was planning to spend some time to get a good combination of kit but with Kate already out at Dustwallow Marsh I wanted to be quick, so I just picked up a new plate belt and breastplate - both pretty cheap, or at least well below market price - then took off for Menethil and the boat to Theramore. I was in your boat for that one too. The traveler can either take a boat to Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh or flying to Mudsprocket, run west to the Barrens, then south to the Great Lift (avoiding its Horde guards) and into Thousand Needles; or head south from Ratchet in the Barrens (Ratchet can be reached either by boat from Booty Bay or by running south from Ashenvale). Dustwallow Marsh is home to one raid instance, Onyxia's Lair, and is intended for level 33-50 players. Or, you could directly fly from Dustwallow to Darnassus via gryphon flight master, but that would take even longer than the boats. Searchable NPC's Panel. On my server some people are actually trying to sell it for 6g!! Theramore Isle is a port city that has boats that lead to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands (The Lady Mehley). 4. Alliance players can learn Artisan Tailoring from Timothy Worthington in Dustwallow Marsh at Theramore Isle. There the road should fork: go east and follow the road until you reach Dustwallow Marsh. This quest is required for learning Artisan Fishing. Go West to Wailing Caverns and enter the cave at (46,36). Fly to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands, and take the boat to Theramore. From there, take the boat to Theramore and swim through Thousand Needles (south of Dustwallow Marsh) and right into Tanaris. I started in Cata so I’ve always seen the Wetlands covered in water. Fly to Ashenvale if available, if not, fly to Rachet then run to Ashenvale. Dustwallow Marsh is an excellent zone to level in when you hit 35, by then most of the quests in STV is red, so going here is splendid. The breadcrumbs generally offer much more exp, rep, and silver. Easiest way is to fly from Theramore or Mudsprocket to Ratchet.
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