Website; what is one disadvantage of using fossil fuels? Battle of Berlin in World War II - ThoughtCo Germany Invades Britain Instead of the Soviet Union. Check out 10 WW2 Myths:. The country would have imposed peace on the defeated allies at the treaty of Potsdam, and it would not have had the reparations and grievances that were generally inflicted by France and Versailles. A lot of chips needed to land in Hitler's favour for Nazi Germany to have won the war but that doesn't mean historians haven't calculated ways in which it could have been done. 10 Reasons Why Germany Lost the Battle of Britain ... There's no way Germany could have won in Normandy unless they could contest Allied control of the air. Germany had to remove Britain from World War 2 after the fall of France. As for the BoB; yes Germany could have won and if they had continued to attack Britain with all of their aircraft (including those destined for Barbarossa) they may eventually have worn us down. The Battle of Berlin: April 1945. Could the Germans have won? Could German Aircraft Carriers Have Won the Battle of the ... However, Blair's comment that the U-boatmen were sent out on suicidal missions is accurate, especially after May 1943. The resources used in the Battle of the Bulge, in my opinion, should have been used in the East to fend of the Russians. Feb. 2 marks 75 years since the end of the bloodiest battle in the history of mankind. With better aircraft (109E-7s, He100s, FW187s, more Ju88s and Do17Zs and fewer Ju87s/He111s), better tactics - keep bombing those RDF stations, and better leadership all the way down to Geschwader level, maybe, just maybe the Luftwaffe could have 'won' The results of the battle of Stalingrad. admin Send an email 3 seconds ago. The RAF's victory over the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain in the summer of 1940 made a German invasion of Britain all but impossible. Stalingrad it seems was one such sliding doors moment, a battle that could put Germany on a path to overall victory. The battle of Stalingrad. Could the Nazis have won the ... Here are five interconnected things Berlin could have done to bolster its maritime prospects. The city's garrison surrendered on 2 May. 2.067. Battle of Bulge, also known as Ardennes Offensive, was a major German offensive in western Europe in December 1944. American Public University. Rommel knew from his experiences in Africa that any German army forced to fight under Allied control of the air was doomed. Now, a team of mathematicians at the University . May 8, 2015. Jefferson, OH. What if Germany had won the Battle of Britain ... Mathematical model shows how the Nazis could have won WWII ... The entire point of WWII was to seize Russia's Black Soil Region and populate it with German settlers, so the idea that they might not have invaded the USSR just doesn't fly. Germany 1945. But what if the Germans had won the battle of Berlin? He might even have pushed the Red Army back to the Archangel Volga Astrakhan line by October 1941 or by summer 1942 forcing Stalin to accept an armistice recognizing most of Germany's hard won . Could the Germans have won at D-Day? - Stormfront Fact: Adolf Hitler Could Have Won World War II | The ... Jeffrey Morris is a prolific freelance writer with a passion for history and . Berlin's battle scars linger 75 years after Nazi defeat. The Anglo-American advance started to slow in September of 1944, due to problems in getting suff. If I were Germany, I would have thought hard before dividing my army into three groups, but then, Hitler was confident of victory. No…not a chance. The blockade on food continued. In this video we discuss whether this is a myth or not. (Before I continue, I want to say I assume we're talking about Sea Lion. . On 2 May 1945, after one of the most intense battles in human history, the guns at last stopped firing amongst the ruins of Berlin. Could the Germans have won the Battle of the Atlantic? could germany have won the battle of berlin battle of berlin ww2 interesting facts about the battle of berlin battle of berlin timeline. Could the Germans have won the Battle of Kursk? Aug 2015. The battle of Stalingrad, August 1942 to February 1943, was the biggest and bloodiest battle ever fought. What if… The RAF's victory in the Battle of Britain was indeed a turning-point in the Second World War, fatally weakening Germany's airforce, dealing a psychological blow to Hitler and laying the . Here are ten shocking ways the Second World War could have unfolded differently than it did. (Germans outnumbered 1/5 and won) Military History: Apr 30, 2015 And I repeat, if a time traveler went back in history enough years, decades, or centuries, and changed history enough, there might not be a Third Reich or a USSR, but there could still be a Battle of Berlin in April 1945 between different states, and it could have been possible for a group that was more or less German to have won it. Who won the Battle of Stalingrad? How could this happen to the Nazis who boasted . - It was the quickest way to end the war. The Germans managed to stabilize the situation after Stalingrad and had even managed to inflict a heavy defeat on the Soviets at Kharkov. Many people say Germany could not win ww2 and many say Germany could win WW2. Winston Churchill called World War II's Battle of the . After the Russians took some heavy casualty, they temporary halted their offensive in the east front. The bombing campaign virtually destroyed the rail network hampering transport of any munitions. How Germany could have WON the Battle of Britain: Mathematical study proves the Luftwaffe would have defeated the RAF if they had started THREE WEEKS earlier and focused on bombing airfields . Could Germany have won battle of Kursk? Germany surrendered on May 7th, a few days after the battle had ended. Germany would have "won" by forcing an agreement on Britain allowing the British their navy and overseas empire but allowing the Nazis a free hand in Europe. In desperation, in January 1917, Germany turned to . It was 1945, and the Germans had lost the war by the winter of 1942/1943 - if not already by the winter of 1941/1942. Article claims the Battle of Britain would have been won by the Germans if not for tactical ineptitude. Germany could have invaded and possibly succeeded in occupying part or all of Great Britain had Hitler won the Battle of Britain against the Royal Air Force. #13. Answer (1 of 22): If Germany succeeds in stymieing the Allied advance (a very real probability), then the Soviet Union essentially conquer various parts of "Western Europe" and push the Cold War line commensurately ("Eastern" Europe was the cultural divide of the Cold War, not pre-industrial divi. admin. . The Real Reason Hitler Launched the Battle of the Bulge. Hitler's . - An invasion of Japan would have caused more deaths. In the short run. The answer has to be 'yes' but with conditions. . Before the main battle in Berlin commenced, the Red Army encircled the city after successful battles of the Seelow Heights and Halbe. Despite inflicting 75,000 American casualties in a month, the Germans failed to capture Antwerp or wipe out the Allied armies. It's regarded as the turning point of the Second World War, which saw Nazi Germany and the Axis powers defeated by the Allies, led by Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America. My opinion is that Germany could have won World War 2 only if some of the following scenarios could have taken place: 1. Posts: 10,105. The RAF was hard pressed in the Battle of Britain, but had they needed a breather—and it turns out the Germans needed one far worse—they could have relocated their bases to the north and played for time. The Battle of Berlin has few historic parallels. It is certainly theoretically possible that a group defined as Germans could have won a Battle of Berlin against invading Russians in April, 1945 if changes in the history of that alternate universe began enough years, decades, or centuries in the past. Sep 28, 2017. The RAF had won the battle for the skies above southern England, keeping Britain in the war and ruling out the possibility of a German invasion. In time the Russian losses would be made good , from now on time was on their side , Germany could not afford the losses of men and equipment and did not have the luxury of time to play with. . It changed the course of WWII and resigned Germany to defeat. The entire German 6th army was annihilated at Stalingrad during the winter of 1943-1943. The Battle of Berlin led to the German leader, Adolf Hitler, committing suicide. Unless one hopes to imagine a fantastic scenario where Germany would have produced 5 to 8 carriers in a world where they lacked the resources to produce 2, the point seems moot. Beside this, could Germany have won the Battle of Britain? Unless one hopes to imagine a fantastic scenario where Germany would have produced 5 to 8 carriers in a world where they lacked the resources to produce 2, the point seems moot. With Hitler's death and complete military defeat, Germany unconditionally surrendered on May 7. After the Vistula-Oder Offensive of January-February 1945, the Red Army had temporarily halted on a line 60 km (37 mi) east of . To Have Won a Battle but Lost the War In the end, the quality of both the Graf Zeppelin and the Flugzeugtrager B would have fallen far behind that of the Allied Navies. A startling new study suggests that Germany could have won a key battle in World War II and perhaps changed the outcome of the war if they had made a few small strategic changes. In his book Bomber Offensive, published in 1947, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur Harris wrote that all the credit for preventing the invasion of Britain had been given to Fighter Command. I don't think the Germans could have won Kursk unless the circumstances were fundamentally different in some way. Soviets could have beaten Germany without the Western Allies. To Have Won a Battle but Lost the War In the end, the quality of both the Graf Zeppelin and the Flugzeugtrager B would have fallen far behind that of the Allied Navies. The determination of the British people really won the Battle of Britain; they did not crack. As a consequence, the rise of Hitler would have been less likely. When studying the battle for Kursk, one of the climactic engagements in the German-Soviet war (1941-1945), many authors have maintained that the Germans would have won the battle had they not delayed their attack from May until early July 1943. May 8, 2015. But Hitler only had about four years to prepare for it. A stalemate was the best germany could hope for at Kursk , to destroy as much as they couldm of the Soviet Army / its reserves. Soon after the Nazis took control of France in June 1940 they began a military campaign against . Germany might have been able to make peace, but it would have eviscerated itself to invade and subdue England. Hitler used the chance to secretly shipped some battle hardened divisions from the east front to the west front, and launched an offensive in hope of split UK and US forces into . - American and British forces advanced on Germany from the west. Even if Germany defeated the soviets and was allowed to build a fleet in the Baltic Hitler would never have a navy to rival the Americans and British Combined. When studying the battle for Kursk, one of the climactic engagements in the German-Soviet war (1941-1945), many authors have maintained that the Germans would have won the battle had they not delayed their attack from May until early July 1943. How Germany could have WON the Battle of Britain: Mathematical study proves the Luftwaffe would have defeated the RAF if they had started THREE WEEKS earlier and focused on bombing airfields . So, no. The Battle of Berlin, designated as the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation by the Soviet Union, and also known as the Fall of Berlin, was one of the last major offensives of the European theatre of World War II. So long as the RAF was not defeated, an invasion of Britain was going to be incredibly difficult. Could Germany Have Won World War 2? There really was no way. The USSR won over the forces of Nazi Germany, thereby completely seizing the initiative during the war. The Red Army then gradually took the entire city. At this point in the war, there was not much Germany could do to change the final outcome. Answer (1 of 15): The German objective in the Battle of the Bulge ("Wacht am Rhein") was to seize the port of Antwerp, in order to deny the British and Americans this vital link in their supply lines. Could this have happened? The myth of German invincibility was seen for what it was. What if Germany had won the Battle of Britain? MILH 360. test_prep This meant there would have been no weapons production - except some areas of the so called . 0 7 minutes read. The Race to Berlin was a competition between Soviet Marshals Georgy Zhukov and Ivan Konev to be the first to enter Berlin during the final months of World War II in Europe.. The question of whether Germany could have won World War 2 is constantly asked by those interested in World War 2. It would take A British Maritime disaster before the USN got involved for Germany to Win the Battle of the Atlantic. #13. Each year on May 2nd, Poland commemorates the Polish soldiers who fought in the battle. Speculative History: Sep 28, 2017: Battle of Kharkov-Most Brilliant Battle of WW2? See more articles in category: FAQ. Could Germany have won battle of Kursk? Alternate History: Five Ways Germany Could Have Won World War I. Contributor: C. Peter Chen ww2dbase After the Soviet forces captured Vienna, Austria on 14 Apr 1945, Joseph Stalin ordered 20 armies, 8,500 aircraft, and 6,300 tanks to march toward Berlin, Germany. Military History: Sep 25, 2020: The Battle of Berlin: April 1945. Answer (1 of 10): My answer is going to go against the Tide. Even if they had succeeded in buying the Irish, it would have been a Pyhrric victory. #14. The Battle of Stalingrad reversed the tide of the war for Germany and resulted in a catastrophic mistake. Over a million Russian soldiers were awarded a medal commemorating the capture of Berlin. Surprisingly, by 1939, Germany had already started war on a global scale. The Uk was a small island with limited resources whilst Germany had many more men and aircraft; their aircraft and pilots were far easier to replace. In early 1945, with Germany's defeat inevitable, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin set his two marshals in a race to capture Berlin. Although its top brass won tactically, they completely failed to overturn Britain's strategic dominance. The USSR lost during the battle more than 1 million 200 thousand people who . The Soviets distrusted the Nazis, and Stalin would have turned on Germany eventually. D-Day itself was already a massive undertaking, and to undertake it the other way around would be madness. How did the Allies advance on Berlin and finally defeat the Nazis? Although the race was mostly between one another, both marshals were supported by other fronts. Even if Germany defeated the soviets and was allowed to build a fleet in the Baltic Hitler would never have a navy to rival the Americans and British Combined. In speculative literature, the Hypothetical Axis victory in World War II is a common subject in works of alternative history (fiction) and of counterfactual history (non-fiction) which examine public and private life in the lands conquered by the Axis powers — Nazi Germany, the Empire of Japan, the Kingdom of Italy — in the Second World War (1937-1945). Could the Germans have won? Whether the German Luftwaffe could have won the Battle of Britain in 1940 has been a matter of debate almost from the time the first shot was fired. 1. Germany had no capability to invade Britain, so they were in about as good a position as could be expected when they attacked the Soviets. Certainly, once Hitler's summer/autumn offensive of 1942 had been defeated at Stalingrad, the history of the Second World War in Europe, on all fronts, was essentially one of . Listed in rough chronological order. Lindsey_MILH360_FinalExam.docx. With Turkish military assistance . . I was discussing World War II with a chum, who holds the opinion that the Soviet Union would have been able to beat Germany without the aid of the Western Allies-except, instead of being a six-year war, it would have been a very long war of attrition. The Battle of Berlin effectively ended fighting on the Eastern Front and in Europe as a whole. With all Europe subjugated, Germany and Japan would later have met on the borders of India." For more, read ' Battle of Britain 1940: The Luftwaffe's 'Eagle Attack' ' by Douglas Dildy, ' Britain 1940: The Battle of Britain ' from Osprey's 'Battles of World War II' series and ' Hurricane I vs Bf 110: 1940 ' by Tony Holmes. If he had waited a decade longer, Germany would have had more time to develop a military force that could have won on such a large scale. According to Soviet veterans, the silence that . 16 Apr 1945 - 2 May 1945. Battle of Berlin Aftermath . Re: Could the Germans have won at D-Day? Share Mathematical model shows how the Nazis could have won WWII's Battle of Britain on LinkedIn. With Turkish military assistance . The U-boat threat was very real and the toll in blood, steel and treasure was high. Berlin was defensible. 3,746. Yes. 2.067. One thing that could be said if Germany won in the end. Even with everything noted above, Germany and its European partners could have still won the war were it not for Germany's declaration of war on the United States on December 11, 1941. BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany has been forced to cancel public events to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of World War Two in Europe but . But that's not what happened. Germany could have invaded and possibly succeeded in occupying part or all of Great Britain had Hitler won the Battle of Britain against the Royal Air Force. Among a new book's revelations: Crystal meth was the German army's drug of choice. In a fashion typical of the Soviet dictator, he pitted his best generals Georgy Zhukov and Ivan Konev in a race for glory against Berlin. And with the German offensive effectively crushed, the Soviets would have been able to draw off massive forces from their flanks to deal with the Germans trapped in a relatively long narrow pocket. A prolonged defense was no longer possible in April as both Silesia and Ruhr was in enemy hands. It would take A British Maritime disaster before the USN got involved for Germany to Win the Battle of the Atlantic. Would Hitler Have Won World War II? If before that the German army was invincible, now it was forced to retreat with huge losses of both manpower and equipment. No. the USSR. Chalfont, Pennsylvania. Germany could never have won the Battle of Stalingrad. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,

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