When to ideally use Could. Can, could, be able to - Test English - Prepare for your ... Could you please vs. Would you mind | WordReference Forums can for requests and orders. Print this Article. Ergo, on the informal to formal spectrum, this phrase might lean a bit towards the formal end, yet it is still fine to be used with friends and acquaintances. "Could you please pass that paper." "Sure, I can.". Senior Member. It's very important to get it right if . "Please send me the number so I can call it and get to actually talk to you. English - England. Instead, here are 18 alternatives to get you off on the right helping hand. Difference Between Would and Could Would vs Could "Would" and "could" are two English language words which are the past tense of the words "will" and "can." "Would" and "could" are used for representing the past tense as well as in the present tense to express a request. I have attached… The next alternative that you can use is "I have attached…" and it can be used in a formal email too. Advertising. Could you send the file in … format again? Technically, would is the past tense of will, but it is an auxiliary verb that has many uses, some of which even express the . It must be used before another verb. And if the teenager wants to complain back, he or she can say: I said I will when I go upstairs. Omitting "please" in any such request might sound a tad rude, admittedly. English - England. Which one is correct? I have attached… The next alternative that you can use is "I have attached…" and it can be used in a formal email too. Examples: Can you see the light over there? The differences you suggest will have to appear in the context. Using either of them doesn't make them sound "over-polite". "May" is typically used for requests, but I will definitely side with WindowsDude7 right above! Do you use "Please advice" or "Please advise"? Could is 100% strong. Wood on December 18, 2013 1:06 am. Please help! It can be taken as a request to do the task, or as meaning that you're asking them whether they are capable of doing the task. It is better you use "please" rather than "kindly.". Could you vs. Can you? Would. There you go, a few ways to use 'should', 'would' and 'could'. I could write the letter if you told me what to include. I would likely leave off the question mark because you're using a question form to make a polite request, when it's really not a question at all. Taking your examples first, I think the short answer is that: You could listen to the radio emphasizes that this is a suggestion or piece of advice, whereas You can listen to the radio emphasizes simply that this is an option that's available. "Please do not hesitate to contact me.". Some grammar experts say that "Please advise" must have an object after the phrase because advise is a transitive verb. The differences between "Can I.," "Could I.," and "May I.?" are very small. A word that is supposed to warm up a message is making him question people's motives. - Yes, of course. Both are commonly used to ask someone to do something, so there is not a big difference between them in the meaning. If taken literally, "Can you" is equivalent to asking the person if they're capable of doing something."Could you", on the other hand, implies that the action can be completed under some circumstances by the person. For example: If you are sending a document to your colleague or a friend, then you can use "Here is the document" in your mail body. It's not a big deal if you mix them up. It means "Are we able to stop an asteroid?" It doesn't depend on a change of circumstances. Could you give me five minutes? if you use verbs in the past form, it . TIP Sheet WOULD, SHOULD, COULD . When I entered the room, I could hear something scratching. could you please provide. Can you please help me move on Saturday? - Could you…, please? Encourage creativity with such sentences as: (A) "I'm going to the zoo." / (B) "Could you please say 'hi' to the elephants for me? I can give you ten dollars too." I am confused. Can is used to say that someone or something is able to do something, either no. ตัวอย่างประโยคภาษาอังกฤษ - Could you make less noise, please? If you ask someone "can you" it is as if you're wondering if they are capable of doing it. As an Internet user, you should assume both meanings of may are part of the policy. 2. They are both correct. 英語にも丁寧なお願いの表現は数あれど、その中でも "Could you 〜?" と "Would you 〜?" はよく知られたフレーズです。この2つの違いって、一体何なのでしょうか?今回はこれらの使い分けのポイントを解説します。 "Could I get" is even better, though, or "Could I have". In everyday English writing, "Can you please assist with the request below?" and "Could you please assist with the request below?" are both requests for help. Would you please may be considered as slightly more polite than Could you please. (NOT I can to knit.) Business Writing Blog. For example, "Could I please have some water?" #2. Monitor carefully and wrap-up by having two students perform a dialog for the class. "I also can give you ten dollars." means "I know he/she can give you ten dollars. Or are they about the same? Sentence examples similar to. Could you tell me how to get to the town centre, please? See more meanings of please. Is one of those better than the other for some reason? 7. Informal. I can knit. Can and could are followed by infinitives without to. "Would you mind giving" -> is a low-level command encouraging a positive response. Both of them are good, but 'could' is more polite. Instead of asking, "Could you please explain…?" be sure to ask, "Could you please clarify…?" to sound more professional, more intelligent, and more fluent when speaking English. Harry put the keys in his pocket, but now he can't find them. The word "please" makes the request more polite and less direct. WTF is wrong with you? Could you help me get the bags out of the car? I'd avoid this phrasing. RELATED ( 3 ) could you please help. This is correct. 3. Let me start with #2. Can is more informal, and is 80% strong. Informal . You could listen to the radio contains more personal involvement and subjectivity; You can listen to the radio is more strictly factual and objective. Would, should and could are three auxiliary verbs that can be defined as past tenses of will, shall, and can; however, you may learn more from seeing sentences using these auxiliaries than from definitions.Examples of usage follow. When you are applying for a job, you mainly state "please see attached my . "Can you please" is less formal than "could you please." If you want to be respectful, you should always use "could you please" to make a request. A little bit more form. The Awkward "Please". 2️⃣ Can you help me, please? from inspiring English sources. Of course. And instead of can, you can replace it with one of the other modal verbs. Modals are used before other verbs to express ideas such as ability, possibility, certainty, necessity, or permission. Difference Between Could and Can 'Could' and 'can' both mean the same thing, which is why they are commonly confused. The usage of can you is idiomatic, and hence, is more popular used phrase of the two. She could understand . ; My aunt could only crawl before the operation, but now she can walk and run. I rarely see this word in formal emails. Will you help me, please? 2) Can you please help me with this? Dec 9, 2016. could you please advise. Mom, can you please tell him that. ; Can you put the TV on. I look forward to … If you require any further information … Please do not hesitate to contact me. ; I can speak Chinese. Exactly the same meaning, but just different ways to, to express it. What does if you please expression mean? "Would you mind giving" -> is a low-level command encouraging a positive response. Comments. Possible positive answers to the questions above: Yes. Michael Swan, Practical English Usage: Can and could - interpersonal uses (permission, requests) We 'can' ask for and give permission: "Can I ask you for something"? A third modal for making polite requests is could. Even with "please" in the direct question, it sounds a little too direct for such a major request. Could you PLEASE turn off the lights in your room? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Could and would are related, but they mean different things. Can you please send your mobile number? "Kindly". I decided to contact Tommy, and asked him to send me a phone number so that I could "just sort out a few details" before sending the item. Could you help me, please? "Could you please give" -> is, more obviously, a request. 8. - Can you …, please? "Please advise of the shipping date" is not about giving advice. A simple solution to a problem plaguing corporate email. We also use 'could' to ask permission; it is more polite or formal than 'can'. Study Zone / Level 330 — Lower Intermediate / Grammar Topics / Modals of Polite Request: Would you, Could you, Will you, Can you Modals of Polite Request: Would you, Could you, Will you, Can you Choose the best modal for each sentence. He is wondering whether they seem manipulative. "Could" is definitely your best shot if you want to express politeness :) 03 Jun 2020 at 05:27 PM. can you please approve. - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Yes, that's right, just a few ways! Heeeeelllllloooooooo? I hope this helps. You could also avoid a direct question altogether by saying something like "If you were to give us some context, we'd probably be able to give you a better reply because your question is difficult to answer without any". Sing along with the Please and Thank You Song!https://www.youtube.com/c/Cocomelon?sub_confirmation=1Lyric. Note: Would be able to can replace could in the following examples. Could is a modal verb. Dec 9, 2016. also, it's the tone you use when you're requesting somebody to do something, without assuming the degree of how helpful they can be to you. Simona. Can you make a cup of coffee, please. Generally, "can" is a harsher word than "could." So learn the differences if you can, but when you need to ask for permission, just choose the expression you think is best and ask confidently! Your sentences are synonymous and both very polite. 0. Tonight I had dinner with one of my Japanese friends and he suggested I write about the difference between the words "can you", "could you" and "would you". Sing along with the Please and Thank You Song!https://www.youtube.com/c/Cocomelon?sub_confirmation=1Lyric. Would you mind closing the window, please? "Could you open the door for me, please?" "Would you mind opening the door for me, please?" "Can you open the door for me, please?' Speaking tip: could and can are followed by the verb without to. if you please phrase. 2. Follow edited Apr 13 '17 at 12:38. 1) Could you please help me with this? Can you please bring your team lists to the adjudicator's table. "Could you please…" can be dangerously-inaccurate. Could is the past tense of can. Examples: "Could you please move this box?" "I could, but I am really busy right now.". If we had some oranges I could make you some fresh juice. Certainly. By. Share. They are used for other expressions also which will be discussed here. UK. 3️⃣ I need some assistance. The word 'could' is a form of the word 'can', but the two are used in very different contexts. Synonym for can you please "could" is more formal and introduces a degree of respect. Anonymous Hi, I'm wondering if there is any difference between 'Could you' and 'Would you be able to' when asking someone to do something. Answer (1 of 50): Can and could The main ways in which the verb can is used are given below. 1.) I can't come to the party next week. Ability We use can/could to describe ability, and we use can't/couldn't to describe absence of ability.. She could play the piano very well. similar ( 8 ) Post-loss tip: If you are the executor for a deceased loved one, the emotional and technical aspects of handling their unfinished business can be overwhelming . In some cases, couldfunctions as the past tense of can, but there are some important usage differences between the two. Did you mean TO a waiter? In most cases, it can be […] For example: If you are sending a document to your colleague or a friend, then you can use "Here is the document" in your mail body. All the participants are very good. You could do it, if you tried hard. I'm sending you the … Ending Formal. If my brother were here, we could have solved this problem together. This is correct. It is a helping verb. When could is used as the past tense of can, it refers to an ability that a person generally had in the past or to something that was generally possible in the past ("When I was younger, I could run for miles," or "It used to be you could . / (A) "Sure, which elephants do you want me to say 'hi' to, etc. Definition of if you please in the Idioms Dictionary. Would you PLEASE stop asking me that? To demonstrate general ability As a past tense form of the verb can, could is used to express general ability in past tense and indirect speech. แปลว่า: กรุณาลดเสียงลงหน่อยได้ไหม - Could you speak . ; Can you come here a minute. Provide a phone number where PayPal can reach you in case of a transaction or account problem. 意味 僕を喜ばせて下さい! Notes. Could expresses possibility, while would expresses certainty and intent. Instead, keep everyone happy by using the phrase "Could you give me five minutes?". I want to know whether it is correct or "Can" should be used or simply "Please sign here" is sufficient. Yes, but isn't the pronunciation important too? It can't be used by itself in sentence. Could you, please, take me to the Manager? While it's common to say 'Please let me know how I can help,' don't feel limited to this phrasing. I would use it (often but not always) with friends, equals and inferiors. Mister Micawber. Now, listen to the same question introduced by the . ; So in these two cases, you might have observed that can is used to represent present condition of the subject, but could is used to reflect a past ability, as could is nothing but a past form of can. Can you?" Dale A. I bet you would agree that "Please advise" is a bad habit in the examples I shared. Could and May. We can tell you that … Attaching files Formal. or. Excuse me. 01-Aug-2003, 04:47 #2. You know the answer to the question it's asking, but those two words are still haunting you: "please advise." It can show up in the subject line, somewhere in the middle of a message, or, most frequently, right before the signature at the end of the email. can, could . could you please assist. "Could you please give" -> is, more obviously, a request. I've heard people use the first one a lot but why should you use Past Tense when asking someone to do something? There are multiple arguments against using the phrase "please find attached" or the alternative "attached please find" in an email message. But since it's widely used (especially in email), "Please advise" is grammatically accepted. Modal verbs are common in English. Would you mind is followed by the verb and-ing. #2. Yes certainly. Canadians use "please" often and visitors are expected to ask for help politely, using "please.". If you are still using this word, it is best you stop. Anyone can win this competition. What are the magic words you can say to be polite? The meaning of please is to make (someone) happy or satisfied. (it's mostly used when you you're asking somebody for a favour that they might not be able to actually carry out) "can", on the other hand is used when you're sure that . I personally would not begin with "Please" -- it's just a little more awkward to say or read. Can vs. May. The use of can in this way is informal (mainly between friends and family):. I would use it (often but not always) with strangers, superiors and friends. Adam wrote to me about the use of the word please in his company. Neither is "If you have any questions, please advise." Using "please advise" in those examples is a bad, unconscious verbal habit. Yes, of course. "Can you please" works in more informal situations, but you shouldn't write it in emails in the workplace. Would is the past tense of will. In terms of formality, "can you" is the most casual, "could you" is more polite and "would you" is the most formal and polite. Adam shared these examples, which I have disguised slightly. You can use this phrase to request approval, although it might be slightly more polite to use the conditional form of the verb "can." Explanation provided by a TextRanch English expert. I would use it (often but not always) with strangers, superiors and friends. Ah, you mean the intonation? The word 'can', in its most common form, means to be able to do something. In the English language, you sound more polite and more in need, and you humiliate yourself more when you use past forms of verbs, like 'I was thinking if you could help' , 'Iwas wondering about the possibility', 'I wanted to ask for help'. We couldn't understand what the stranger was saying. What is the proper word to use when asking the question below: Could you please send your mobile number? If you do choose to use "explain," be sure to be very specific about what you need explained, naming a particular idea, detail, or viewpoint. But the meaning is the same as: Could you please replace the order as soon as possible. Can, could or may ? Answer: Since you are using the word "please," it indicates that you are asking someone for either their permission for you to do something, or their willingness or capability to do some. この重複の「please」がある言い回しは面白いですね。 4. This is not a polite request, but an angry request, and a complaint about something that the teenager hasn't done. I am attaching … I am sending you the … Please find attached the file you requested. I would use it (often but not always) with friends, equals and inferiors. First of all, the literal meaning is bizarre: You are imploring the reader to go search for an attach Very simple. (See our page on modal auxiliary verbs for more grammar information.) ; Children can't concentrate for long periods of time. The following sentence, quoted from the article above, is not correct at all: Could can also be used in the present tense to couch a request: "Could you please tell me where I can park?" The word "could" in the example is not in the past tense at all. 意味 荷物を車から取り出すのを手伝って貰えますか? 5. What are the magic words you can say to be polite? It can make all the difference between sounding polite and rude. Sing along with the Please and Thank You Song!https://www.youtube.com/c/Cocomelon?sub_confirmation=1Watch. When I was young, I could only sing bhajans, but now I can sing classical songs. We often use can in a question to ask somebody to do something. Yes, that's very important, I'm glad you mentioned that. word-choice tenses politeness subjunctive-mood. UK. Could I have a look at your papers? "Could you please sign here". 6. If you agree to the request, then you use the word 'can'. What are the magic words you can say to be polite? This is not a real question - we do not really want to know if the person is able to do something, we want them to do it! Could you please please me! "Can you please" vs. "Could you please" [duplicate] (1 answer) Closed 6 years ago. It is old-fashioned and seemingly antiquated. Mar 06 2009 02:33:51. anon f8r; Students: We have free audio pronunciation exercises.. No, there is no intrinsic difference in meaning. A modal verb is an auxiliary verb. Although, traditionally, can has meant "to be able" and may has meant "to be permitted" or to express possibility, both can and may are commonly used interchangeably (especially in spoken, informal language) in respect to permission.Even the Oxford English dictionary informs us that the permission use of can is not incorrect, but it's better and more polite to use may in . could you please assist with the request below? Could you at least answer me so I know the Chicago office has not been wiped out in a zombie apocalypse or other natural disaster?" would not have gone over well. Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? vs Go away You're really busy at work, but your coworker needs your help… When you're busy and can't attend to anything else, just saying "Go away" is definitely not appropriate. How to use please in a sentence. However "can" entails the issue of "possibility". Improve this question. If it's a mandatory change in policy, go with "Please…". Explanation: "Please could you" is more polite than "please can you". Could: A conditional form of Can. Certainly "May I have" will be perceived as more formal and courteous, but "Can I get" will not necessarily be perceived as rude, depending on the tone of voice. Could you please tell me why you are such an idiot? It could be in an office situation. Well, the correct phrase is actually "Please advise". Could is the past tense of can, but it also has uses apart from that--and that is where the confusion lies. การตอบรับ - Yes, I can. So that is what I'm going to do. Can vs Could Summary Chart When you are applying for a job, you mainly state "please see attached my . Answer (1 of 6): The original question is: > When should you use "can you please" versus "could you please"? Sep 29 2015 06:19:42. Politeness is slightly greater with longer expressions, but it is mostly a matter of individual preference. A good way to remember the differences between these two words is simply to bring each word back to its root verb. Would + Can = Could. There are more . Could is also used to ask polite questions. Rather than saying "please find the attachment", you can say "you'll find the attachment below." It conveys the same exact meaning, but it's just a little less stuffy. 5. Senior Member. You could add "please" to that, but I don't think it would necessarily increase the politeness level. ; Possibility We also use can to talk about possibility. Reference from: solidaritycities.eu,Reference from: testurapp.com,Reference from: ljanet.pl,Reference from: dev.wis-ecoles.com,

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