Nitrification-----> Denitrification. In the last phase of Nitrification, Nitrates are taken up by plants that use them as food as well as by denitrifying bacteria that reside in anoxic places deep in the sediment. Dosing live nitrifying bacteria from the start is an excellent way to cycle a tank quickly. This conversion from ammonia to nitrite to nitrate to … In my case the tank is not set up yet, but soon. This shows method, formula, data and conclusion. On the contrary, denitrifying bacteria are present in the soil that transforms the nitrate into free atmospheric nitrogen, thus depleting nitrogen from the food chain. Denitrifying bacteria consume nitrate, reducing it to nitrogen gas, which harmlessly outgasses into the atmosphere and completing the Nitrogen cycle. 5. Nitrates are organic molecules that enter our aquariums via fish food as well as via the final stop on the Nitrogen cycle. Introduce Starter Fish Into The Tank. Every freshwater aquarium and fish bowl should contain the appropriate amount of Lava Rock, which provides the ideal living environment for beneficial denitrifying bacteria. For over 50 years, API has been creating innovative, research-driven solutions that make it easier to care for your fish and aquarium. Nitrifying bacteria live on the surface of objects in your aquarium. However, ceramic rings work great for building bacteria that remove nitrate. Liquid nitrate removers, in their many formulations, take advantage of beneficial bacteria in a special way. I wanted to start a new thread that delved a little deeper into a previous thread i started about box filters. I have a new 45 gallon aquarium and I’m excited to see what my water parameters are in 4-6 months after the denitrifying bacteria become established in the aquarium. Question: I cannot stop algae blooms in … Denitrifying bacteria live deep inside rock, ceramic and other porous materials, where oxygen cannot reach them. Nitrifying bacteria provide natural biological aquarium filtration and are responsible for breaking down organic waste within the fish tank. Transforming ammonia to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrates. Nitrifying bacteria settle on rocks, gravel, filter media, sand, bio-wheels, etc. Nitrifying bacteria (nitrifiers) consist of two bacteria species. It is necessary to maintain the balance between nitrogen fixation and denitrification. The ceramic rings from my previous filter is inside the aquarium temporarily until I … Within the reef rock, in low-oxygen areas, denitrifying bacteria thrive to help consume nitrate and promote complete nitrification. Improves aquarium water quality. Aerobic bacteria within the filtration system of the tank then oxidise the ammonia first to NITRITE (NO2) and then further to NITRATE (NO3). A wide variety of nitrifying bacteria denitrifying bacteria options are available to you, such as classification, usage, and type. If you are going to use a bottled bacteria, may I suggest Tetra … 6. BRS bio pellets are produced by a leader in the industry, designed specifically for denitrification in aquaria and… BRS Biopellets are made from 100% natural Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Live nitrifying bacteria can be purchased from sites like Drs. So, if you can introduce some of these bacteria into your new tank, you can get a head start. Stable populations of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria take up to four weeks to develop if additional beneficial bacteria are not added. (In cases, they can turn nitrate back into nitrite). Maintaining a substrate of fine gravel or sand no deeper than 4 inches, having live plants rooted in the substrate, and keeping Malaysian Livebearing snails are the best and safest methods of providing a healthy biological system for aerobic and denitrifying anaerobic bacteria. Denitrifying bacteria must then convert the nitrates into free nitrogen (N 2), which is dissipated through surface agitation. These are the bacteria … These heterotrophic bacteria, of which there are several species, utilize nitrate by consuming the oxygen within nitrate and releasing nitrogen gas. Deep in the substrate, denitrifying bacteria grows where there is no oxygen present and converts nitrogen back into ammonia. StartSmart Complete (freshwater and saltwater versions) contains nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria that eliminate ammonia and nitrite from your aquarium, while also sequestering Phosphate. Why wait to get fish into your aquarium.With bacterial starter cultures you can eliminate the wait time. The concentrations of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and TOC in the circulation water were measured to compare the two systems every three or four days. Works well but no bottom dwelling fish! The reason for this is when oxygen is present in water, the bacteria use it to breathe. This is highly recognized for being the best solution when it comes to preventing new tank syndrome. 2, 189-193. ... Having (for instance) a matten filter on one end of the aquarium, and a canister filter taking out the big mulm, would be nice. See also Bacteria. In the denitrifying system it was 431 mg/1. It grows denitrifying bacteria. Solution [edit | edit source] Clean or turn over the substrate regularly. BRS Biopellets are made from 100% natural Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). On rare occasions, denitrifying bacteria can settle in oxygen free areas and … Live plants help to remove nitrates from the water in freshwater tanks. This is quite a substantial amount of alkalinity, which will dramatically change the character of the aquarium water, affecting both hardness and pH stability. The reason why denitrifying bacteria are hard to rely on though is because the majority of aquariums are highly oxygenated, especially those with non-sand substrates. • Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate to nitrogen (N2) gas or Hydrogen sulfide under certain conditions in aquariums or ponds. A deep sand bed is a sand substrate coupled with bacteria and multicellular organisms working together as a powerful biological filter. ... Browse other questions tagged aquarium diseases or ask your own question. Reduces disease causing pathogenic bacteria. They will only survive if no oxygen is present. into the less toxic compounds of nitrite and nitrate. This aquarium nitrogen cycle diagram illustrates the process perfectly. Actinomycetes, produce fungi-like filamentous cells, decomposed organic substances like cellulose and Chitin. Bacterial blooms These are most common in new tanks. In a saltwater setup, live rock and deep sand beds can provide anaerobic areas where denitrifying bacteria process nitrates into nitrogen gas, which then evaporates harmlessly. While traveling through sewer pipes, the majority of the… Detoxify toxic compounds and conditions the water. The nitrogen gas then exits your aquarium … Contains millions of live denitrifying bacteria. The nitrifying bacteria aka nitrifiers aka beneficial bacteria, convert ammonia (resulting from bacterial activity, fish waste etc.) Vendor Pre Qualification Checklist, How Do I Cancel My Mally Beauty Subscription, Citadel Hedge Fund Stock Price, The Possession Movie Netflix, Invincible Rex Splode Voice Actor, Marvel Comics Presents #108, Human Torso Anatomically Accurate Model Kit, Volume Higher Than Market Cap Crypto, " />

denitrifying bacteria aquarium

Posted by | May 28, 2021 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Notice the gradual build up of nitric acid. It grows denitrifying bacteria. These are known as denitrifying bacteria. Helpful Bacteria Keep the Aquarium … Linthicum asked whether I would consider doing a column on establishing and caring for the nitrifying bacteria that make up an tors using denitrifying bacteria (2-5) and polyvinyl alco- hol (PVA)-immobilized photosynthetic bacteria with denitrifying activity (6). 2. 2. Are plastic tanks bad for fish? The nitrifying bacteria live all over the live rock and the strong flow of a reef tank allows for all the necessary biological filtration. However, it takes time and certain anaerobic conditions before a new saltwater tank could have its relatively high nitrates under control. In a well balanced aquarium you shouldn't need an additional denitrification filter. The filter material used as well as the ground material should provide enough area and living room for denitrifying bacteria. Both work as such filters and are cheap. Also the filter in your second link is really just a home made aquarium filter and very cheap. Twin pack for complete aquarium care Part 1: MICROLIFE – S2 1. With API Aquarium products, it’s easy to keep a beautiful saltwater, freshwater or reef aquarium. Nitrifying bacteria aka the good or beneficial bacteria, are present after successfully cycling a new tank. Furthermore, this liquid’s consistency is smooth and slippery, … Denitrifying bacteria, microorganisms whose action results in the conversion of nitrates in soil to free atmospheric nitrogen, thus depleting soil fertility and reducing agricultural productivity.Thiobacillus denitrificans, Micrococcus denitrificans, and some species of Serratia, Pseudomonas, and Achromobacter are implicated as denitrifiers. aquavitro® seed™ will rapidly and safely establish the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and marine systems, thereby preventing the #1 cause of fish death: "new tank syndrome". Clear-UP Natural Water Clarifier- Uses bacteria to perform natural clumping of particles in the water so that the filter can remove them. One of the most important aspects of successful aquarium keeping is biological filtration and its function in the nitrogen cycle. These beneficial bacteria will decrease the concentration of nitrates and greatly improve the quality of the water. Toxic substances, such as hydrogen sulphide, can damage plant roots. Concrete should be cured for 6 weeks before use in any aquarium, but after that, there are no adverse effects. If nitrogen, in this case, is not consumed by the roots of the plants, then it will dissolve in the water and disappear into the atmosphere. When starting a new tank, it's vital to create a healthy colony of good aquarium bacteria within the tank before adding any fish. Nitrosomonas, which are a colony of bacteria, feed on ammonia. This group of bacteria, together with denitrifying fungi and archaea, is capable of performing denitrification as part of the nitrogen cycle. It is actually only about denitrifying bacteria, not the nitrifying bacteria that are present in those supplements. ... and the assurance that it is safe for use in your aquarium. But without oxygen, these bacteria use nitrates instead, converting them into nitrogen gas [ 1]. The authors noted in a previous study that the purification of an aquarium for breeding fish (carp) could be accomplished using a simple circulat- A typical anaerobic aquarium denitrifying DIY tube reactor might move concentrations of 60 ppm at a speed of ten foot per day or 0.5 foot per hour. As long as you have enough live rock (1-3 pounds per gallon), you will have enough biological filtration. This is simply a discussion on denitrification in the context of a freshwater aquarium. The denitrifying bacteria are able to accomplish the anaerobic respiration of nitrates by using the nitrate in place of oxygen, as acceptor of the electrons released during the respiratory process. Denitrifying Media, Biohome and De*Nitrate in the Aquarium Many people make the claim that their nitrates went down significantly after six to ten months of using Biohome Ultimate ™ or De*Nitrate ™ (a smaller sized Matrix), the two main media claiming to do anaerobic decomposition of nitrate to nitrogen. As a result of eating, fishes constantly produce waste. So near the surface, you have your nitrifying bacteria that need oxygen and acess to the fish waste. I think I'm done cycling as this tank has been up for a few months but I made a few changes. They will only survive if no oxygen is present. Works well but no bottom dwelling fish! aquarium it was 220 mg/1. 87, No. See Seachem's Matrix product. As the water passes through this denitrifier, the bacteria first consume all the oxygen, then the bacteria must rely on nitrate, which they consume and denitrify the water, then the water flows back into the system. Bio balls only carry nitrifying bacteria. In the gravel/sand of your tank there is an area where the oxygen is depleted due to the bacteria breaking down waste converting ammonia to nitrite (this uses oxygen) and bacteria then use nitrite to produce nitrate (this happens in an oxygen-free environment) and this is the area where denitrification takes place; the resulting nitrogen is absorbed by the water and released to the air. PHA is a natural substance produced by bacteria to store carbon and energy which makes it the ideal solid carbon source for denitrifying bacteria in the aquarium. Ideally, they eat the nitrates that their neighboring nitrifyiers spit out. The first method involves taking some of the gravel from an already established tank and putting it in your new tank. The product of these two factors is 30 which means 60% reductions of nitrate in a typical aquarium denitrifying tube reactor will require roughly 12,000 hours (360,000/30 = 12,000) or 1.4 years. I guess my real intent is to better understand how to promote denitrifying bacteria. They can be classified in many ways, but we will focus on the two groups that interest us, the nitrifying bacteria and the denitrifying bacteria.. As we know, Nitrogen compounds are major pollutants in a marine aquarium. I should mention in this case the tank will be bare bottom and high flow. Sludge-reducing StartSmart Complete bacteria digests organic sludge. Aquarium Filter Bacteria contains beneficial strains of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria which establishes the biological filter in fresh water and tropical aquariums. PHA is a natural substance produced by bacteria to store carbon and energy which makes it the ideal solid carbon source for denitrifying bacteria in the aquarium. The process of reducing nitrate in the aquarium with anaerobic bacteria is often referred to as denitrification or a method Natural Nitrate Reduction (NNR). It may help a little bit though. Aquarium Filter Bacteria can be used to establish the nitrogen cycle, for water changes, adding new fish and after medicinal treatment when a water change is required. 3. Biopellets work by providing a solid carbon food source for the denitrifying bacteria. Liquid nitrate removers, in their many formulations, take advantage of beneficial bacteria in a special way. Types of bacteria. 2. What do I do with it? Corals produce and excrete sugars (a carbon source) which the denitrifying bacteria feed on but with the usual amount of fish and inverts in a reef tank this won't be enough to fuel your bacteria to see there full benefit and reduce PO4 and NO3 to near zero levels. This denitrifier has never removed much nitrate from the water. The level in new maerl was 219 mg/1. Reduces fish mortality. Nitrogen gas released by the action of denitrifying bacteria, which obtain oxygen from nitrites and nitrates. Hydrogen sulphide produced by bacterial breakdown of organic material. Ammonification. Nitrifying bacteria provide natural biological aquarium filtration and are responsible for breaking down organic waste within the fish tank. Another source of waste build up in the aquarium water are the uneaten food particles, the dead plant leaves, and other organic matter. Accomplishing this can be easy or difficult, cheap or expensive, depending upon how you go about it. Nitrifying bacteria live on the surface of objects in your aquarium. This and other processes are referred to the all inclusive term, the . Easy-Life EasyStart contains highly active beneficial … Within the aquarium, fish and uneaten food produce waste which breaks down to form AMMONIA (NH4). For a detailed look at these methods, see Method 2: Beneficial Bacteria in the Freshwater Fish-Only section. The bacteria growing in the top 1/4" of the surface of the brick will be aerobic and will use up all the oxygen so that the inside of the brick goes anoxic or anaerobic. Two types of bacteria are vital to your fish. Dose weekly to eliminate sludge and promote a clear aquarium. What causes Nitrate Poisoning in an Aquarium Fish. I just thought about this-- if your whole tank is a filter, wouldn't cleaning the filter be a problem? These bacteria utilize organic compounds, predominantly formed by decomposing organic matter in … Denitrifying bacteria – These bacteria eat nitrates. Managing dissolved nutrients–especially ammonia, nitrite and nitrate–is among the major tasks of reef aquarium husbandry. The reason why denitrifying bacteria are hard to rely on though is because the majority of aquariums are highly oxygenated, especially those with non-sand substrates. Denitrifying bacteria are a diverse group of bacteria that encompass many different phyla. As part of the process of their anaerobic respiration, denitrifiers convert nitrate into nitrogen gas. High acidic levels can promote algae buildup, thusly compounding oxygen levels to drop, and slow growth rates of the denitrifying bacteria. I just thought about this-- if your whole tank is a filter, wouldn't cleaning the filter be a problem? Oh, nitrifying bacteria, got confused lol! The denitrifying bacteria are able to accomplish the anaerobic respiration of nitrates by using the nitrate in place of oxygen, as acceptor of the electrons released during the respiratory process. API QUICK START contains live, nitrifying bacteria. These denitrifying bacteria balls are highly porous for steadier biological growth and will help in eliminating nitrates from your aquarium! Bacteria will work together and compete with one another to break down molecules. Denitrifying bacteria exist where there is no oxygen present. Can you boil aquarium rocks? This allows Matrix™, unlike other forms of biomedia, to remove nitrate along with ammonia and nitrite, simultaneously and in the same filter. Description. Denitrifying bacteria are anaerobic, meaning they are active where oxygen is absent. In a marine aquarium system, the de-nitrifying bacteria that inhabit porous surfaces such as live rock and live sand convert nitrate into harmless Nitrogen. Even so, the presence of denitrifying bacteria doesn't really mean anything in terms of aquarium maintenance. Keeps aquarium fish in healthy condition. Denitrifying Bacteria: This is the term used for a range of anaerobic bacteria that feed off oxygen from nitrate and work in conditions where there is no free oxygen to use. Instead, the rocks should be boiled to avoid introducing any parasites, fungus, or bacteria to the aquarium from the rocks and gravel you will be using. These macropores are ideally sized for the support of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. Anaerobic denitrifying bacteria will then colonize the internal surfaces of the brick and you will get both nitrification on the surface and denitrification in the internal parts. Denitrifying bacteria – These bacteria eat nitrates. Denitrifying Bacteria: This is the term used for a range of anaerobic bacteria that feed off oxygen from nitrate and work in conditions where there is no free oxygen to use. (In cases, they can turn nitrate back into nitrite). See also Bacteria. One and Only from Dr. Tim Hovanec, inventor of Bio-Spira. They break down ammonia from excrement and other organic material in the tank into less toxic substances. Plants will extend their roots into both aerobic and anaerobic substrate. Anaerobic bacteria first convert the nitrate to nitrite (NO 2), and then to nitrogen gas (N 2). offers 1,650 nitrifying bacteria denitrifying bacteria products. Bacteria prefer rough, high surface area surfaces. Methods of removing nitrate through the action of anaerobic denitrifying bacteria colonies in filtration media are fairly universal across aquarium types. JOURNAL OF BIGSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING Vol. In natural systems and some aquarium systems, nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria. Oxygen-loving nitrifying bacteria colonize on the rock's outer surface and aid in the nitrogen cycle. 2. Close the … You won’t find this bacteria in plastic or foam filter media. Part 2: CHLOR-AWAY 1. ... Having (for instance) a matten filter on one end of the aquarium, and a canister filter taking out the big mulm, would be nice. Since denitrifying bacteria are heterotrophic, an organic carbon source is supplied to the bacteria in an anoxic basin. With no available oxygen, denitrifying bacteria use the oxygen present in the nitrate to oxidize the carbon. Denitrifying Bacteria. Your aquarium will surely get the best biological filtration. I just changed my filter to my old slim HOB and added the lava rocks. I not only wanted to prove the efficacy of utilizing anaerobic bacteria in conjunction with a planted tank, but to have an open discussion about the aloof denitrifying bacteria. Underdeveloped denitrifying bacteria. These arches are very porous, which gives denitrifying bacteria yet another niche in your aquarium. Bacterial blooms These are most common in new tanks. …Polyhydroxyalkanoates. Denitrifying bacteria grows [edit | edit source] Ammonia levels increase as reverse nitrifying occurs. Foster and Smith or your local fish store may carry it. Ensure it is not too deep (< 2"). Porous aquarium filter media supports anaerobic denitrifying bacteria * Dual action biological filter media great for aerobic AND anaerobic bacteria: Promote complete nitrification to naturally remove ammonia, nitrites, AND nitrates. Denitrifying bacteria consume nitrate, reducing it to nitrogen gas, which harmlessly outgasses into the atmosphere and completing the Nitrogen cycle. Nitrifying bacteria include ammonia oxidizing and nitrite oxidizing bacteria, and include Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus, Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus. They provide carbon, that fuels the growth of denitrifying bacteria and when anaerobic bacteria is growing at accelerated rates, even more nitrate will be converted and removed from your aquarium … Ammonification ----->Nitrification-----> Denitrification. In the last phase of Nitrification, Nitrates are taken up by plants that use them as food as well as by denitrifying bacteria that reside in anoxic places deep in the sediment. Dosing live nitrifying bacteria from the start is an excellent way to cycle a tank quickly. This conversion from ammonia to nitrite to nitrate to … In my case the tank is not set up yet, but soon. This shows method, formula, data and conclusion. On the contrary, denitrifying bacteria are present in the soil that transforms the nitrate into free atmospheric nitrogen, thus depleting nitrogen from the food chain. Denitrifying bacteria consume nitrate, reducing it to nitrogen gas, which harmlessly outgasses into the atmosphere and completing the Nitrogen cycle. 5. Nitrates are organic molecules that enter our aquariums via fish food as well as via the final stop on the Nitrogen cycle. Introduce Starter Fish Into The Tank. Every freshwater aquarium and fish bowl should contain the appropriate amount of Lava Rock, which provides the ideal living environment for beneficial denitrifying bacteria. For over 50 years, API has been creating innovative, research-driven solutions that make it easier to care for your fish and aquarium. Nitrifying bacteria live on the surface of objects in your aquarium. However, ceramic rings work great for building bacteria that remove nitrate. Liquid nitrate removers, in their many formulations, take advantage of beneficial bacteria in a special way. I wanted to start a new thread that delved a little deeper into a previous thread i started about box filters. I have a new 45 gallon aquarium and I’m excited to see what my water parameters are in 4-6 months after the denitrifying bacteria become established in the aquarium. Question: I cannot stop algae blooms in … Denitrifying bacteria live deep inside rock, ceramic and other porous materials, where oxygen cannot reach them. Nitrifying bacteria provide natural biological aquarium filtration and are responsible for breaking down organic waste within the fish tank. Transforming ammonia to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrates. Nitrifying bacteria settle on rocks, gravel, filter media, sand, bio-wheels, etc. Nitrifying bacteria (nitrifiers) consist of two bacteria species. It is necessary to maintain the balance between nitrogen fixation and denitrification. The ceramic rings from my previous filter is inside the aquarium temporarily until I … Within the reef rock, in low-oxygen areas, denitrifying bacteria thrive to help consume nitrate and promote complete nitrification. Improves aquarium water quality. Aerobic bacteria within the filtration system of the tank then oxidise the ammonia first to NITRITE (NO2) and then further to NITRATE (NO3). A wide variety of nitrifying bacteria denitrifying bacteria options are available to you, such as classification, usage, and type. If you are going to use a bottled bacteria, may I suggest Tetra … 6. BRS bio pellets are produced by a leader in the industry, designed specifically for denitrification in aquaria and… BRS Biopellets are made from 100% natural Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Live nitrifying bacteria can be purchased from sites like Drs. So, if you can introduce some of these bacteria into your new tank, you can get a head start. Stable populations of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria take up to four weeks to develop if additional beneficial bacteria are not added. (In cases, they can turn nitrate back into nitrite). Maintaining a substrate of fine gravel or sand no deeper than 4 inches, having live plants rooted in the substrate, and keeping Malaysian Livebearing snails are the best and safest methods of providing a healthy biological system for aerobic and denitrifying anaerobic bacteria. Denitrifying bacteria must then convert the nitrates into free nitrogen (N 2), which is dissipated through surface agitation. These are the bacteria … These heterotrophic bacteria, of which there are several species, utilize nitrate by consuming the oxygen within nitrate and releasing nitrogen gas. Deep in the substrate, denitrifying bacteria grows where there is no oxygen present and converts nitrogen back into ammonia. StartSmart Complete (freshwater and saltwater versions) contains nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria that eliminate ammonia and nitrite from your aquarium, while also sequestering Phosphate. Why wait to get fish into your aquarium.With bacterial starter cultures you can eliminate the wait time. The concentrations of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and TOC in the circulation water were measured to compare the two systems every three or four days. Works well but no bottom dwelling fish! The reason for this is when oxygen is present in water, the bacteria use it to breathe. This is highly recognized for being the best solution when it comes to preventing new tank syndrome. 2, 189-193. ... Having (for instance) a matten filter on one end of the aquarium, and a canister filter taking out the big mulm, would be nice. See also Bacteria. In the denitrifying system it was 431 mg/1. It grows denitrifying bacteria. Solution [edit | edit source] Clean or turn over the substrate regularly. BRS Biopellets are made from 100% natural Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). On rare occasions, denitrifying bacteria can settle in oxygen free areas and … Live plants help to remove nitrates from the water in freshwater tanks. This is quite a substantial amount of alkalinity, which will dramatically change the character of the aquarium water, affecting both hardness and pH stability. The reason why denitrifying bacteria are hard to rely on though is because the majority of aquariums are highly oxygenated, especially those with non-sand substrates. • Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrate to nitrogen (N2) gas or Hydrogen sulfide under certain conditions in aquariums or ponds. A deep sand bed is a sand substrate coupled with bacteria and multicellular organisms working together as a powerful biological filter. ... Browse other questions tagged aquarium diseases or ask your own question. Reduces disease causing pathogenic bacteria. They will only survive if no oxygen is present. into the less toxic compounds of nitrite and nitrate. This aquarium nitrogen cycle diagram illustrates the process perfectly. Actinomycetes, produce fungi-like filamentous cells, decomposed organic substances like cellulose and Chitin. Bacterial blooms These are most common in new tanks. In a saltwater setup, live rock and deep sand beds can provide anaerobic areas where denitrifying bacteria process nitrates into nitrogen gas, which then evaporates harmlessly. While traveling through sewer pipes, the majority of the… Detoxify toxic compounds and conditions the water. The nitrogen gas then exits your aquarium … Contains millions of live denitrifying bacteria. The nitrifying bacteria aka nitrifiers aka beneficial bacteria, convert ammonia (resulting from bacterial activity, fish waste etc.)

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