He agreed that religious experiences are primarily emotional and that every person has a consciousness of the divine. It is a numinal experience. The following stories have been shared with us by real people who have had a life changing encounter with God. The Religious Experience Argument posits that one can only perceive that which exists, and so God must exist because there are those that have experienced him. Religious experience argument. If going by the Word of God which is alive, Then yes. In these books he set out his inductive or "cumulative" approach to the argument for God's existence and his own focus on religious experience. People who have had religious experiences are likely to claim that their experience was objectively real, because to them, it was. Nevertheless, part of modern religious experience includes reports of two or more individuals seeing an apparition of a dead person or religious figure at the same time. So many people have had religious experiences they must be true (1) for example Bernadette's vision (1) Non-religious people may simply interpret religious experiences differently (1), if someone has a numinous experience it may lead them to belief in God because the experience will make them feel that God is real (1). In April 1994 at Airport Vineyard church in Canada, large numbers of people were reported to have been part of a religious experience.There was barking, laughing, shaking and crying. Supporters argue that the proof of relgous experiences lies in the fact that the lives of those who experience them are changed forever. masquerades as Christianity or takes the form of a religious experience. Many experiences come along with transformative life stories of spiritual fulfilment that makes them seem even more real to their recipients. As well as giving us many different examples of ways that God has spoken to people over the centuries, The Bible also gives us a number of stories which tell how individuals received and tried to respond to being addressed by God. If they have experienced God, then God must exist. Mystical Experiences. (12) The argument from religious experience assumes that religious experiences are a type of perceptual experience, i. e. type of experience in which the person having the experience perceives something external to them, which invites many criticisms to the argument. Religion and spirituality are two things that are probably the most difficult to define in definite terms. 10 St. Teresa's Demons. Reuters. This is because when the experience takes place, there are numbers of people present. Here are our user submitted stories. - Someone who has had a religious experience of what seems to be God, by the principle of credulity, good reason for believing that there is a God. This is similar to a survey conducted in 2006 but much higher than in surveys conducted in 1976 and 1994, and more than twice as high as in a 1962 Gallup survey (22%). Religious Experience in The Bible. be all the time. It would seem that the more life experience a person has had, the better, just as the program fed to a computer is the basis upon which the results are . This author has spoken with many people who believed God had provided them a "sign," or they received a special experience from God, and their "divine sign" could not be questioned. Some people have had religious experiences, such as feeling the presence of the divine, perceiving the order and rightness of the universe, feeling totally dependent on a greater power, having a vision of God, feeling at one with the divine, encountering a wholly-other reality, hearing the voice of God, feeling the presence of a transforming power. We can, for example, know that God is not human, God is not evil & God does not have a body. of God from Religious Experience (18) The argument for the existence of God from Religious Experience is a simple one, with only two premises. From Atheism to Christianity: a Personal Journey. Religious experience and religious ritual, including pilgrimage, can of course have transformative effects on people (Glannon, 2004; Pieper & Van Uden, 1994).

Because a real christian should never go off of feelings alone. A number of controversial issues have emerged from these studies, involving not only different conceptions of the nature and structure of religious experience but also different views of the manner in which it is to be evaluated and the sort of evaluation possible from the standpoint of a given discipline.Four such issues are basic: (1) whether religious experience points to special .

Reference from: franco.provider.it,Reference from: pkbthighschool.in,Reference from: longnghilabel.com,Reference from: dana.bbw-web.de,

The Argument. So, yes it could . In the world of celebrity culture, religion is the new black. - Without religious experience, the probability of the existence of God is about 50/50. I have them now, fully understanding the process, and deriving intentional benefit from them. . These experiences: were somewhat more frequent among people age 30 to 64 (53%) than in people . The cumulative argument states that so many people have had religious experiences in the past that they simply cannot all be making it up. - The testimony of others who report similar experiences supports such a claim. Don't fall into the trap! Whether or not any of these experiences are veridical is itself a difficult question. About half of the U.S. public (49%) says they have had a religious or mystical experience, defined as a "moment of sudden religious insight or awakening.". They may be induced by plant medicine, or slipping on a banana peel, or a near death experience, or hearing a songbird sing. And that is to be thrown on the ground while our invisible Creator is changing the information ( energy ) that causes all His people to be deceived from knowing who they are within His mind. experienced God.

/ Leave a comment. (Wiles)-Many people who have claimed to have had religious experiences are either confused, on drugs or seeking fame (Dawkins/Peter Atkins) It would be wrong to say that spirituality and religion don't go hand in hand because they do; the only difference is that while religion is an organized system that pays homage to a god, spirituality is something that does not always need a deity to define the parameters of the person . In fact there are many cases from people of all ages, nationalities, social backgrounds, genders and even different religions, including atheists who have also had near death experiences and been . Although I have been considering the implications of the idea that the veridicality of a Theistic Religious Experience (TRE) is independent of the They have tapped into the quickening moment that is pre-religious, before silence becomes word. Real Spiritual Experiences. Bertrand Russell said that some people get drunk and see snakes, other people fast and see God. God must be the cause of (at least some of) this. - Someone who has had a religious experience of what seems to be God, by the principle of credulity, good reason for believing that there is a God. Otto was influenced from the work of Schleiermacher, he believed that religion is a 'matter of feeling rather than of reason'. Former inmates who have had a conversion experience are not exempt from these obstacles. A 16th-century Spanish mystic and contemporary of St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila was an important figure in the Church's history. Jennifer Fulwiler grew up in a loving family, but one in which religion was painted as clearly false. Renounce worldly goods, wear a robe and take up chanting, and your . 122 experts online. If something seems religious and feels good, many It has nothing to do with the supernatural. Religious experiences can be characterized generally as experiences that seem to the person having them to be of some objective reality and to have some religious import. A person may say they had personally 'seen', 'heard' or 'felt' God . People who have a psychedelic experience when they are older and have successfully settled some of the crucial issues of their lives probably have a better chance for an enriching experience. THe religion Experience is a very individual thing, not easy to describe not the base for explaining others the own faith.. To really know something about a Religion and if the Religious Experience of a person has a truth within his path, you have to take a close look into the theory of the religion and the Practice shown by the one. Contemporary defenders of the argument are Richard Swinburne, William Alston, Alvin Plantinga . Evaluate the claim that religious experiences are just delusions. Spiritual awakening - A spiritual awakening usually involves a realization or opening to a sacred dimension of reality and may or may not be a religious experience. However, it can be argued that experience is the strongest form of evidence and if a person has a vision of a religious figure or hears the voice of God then they will firmly believe that they have had that experience, so no challenge from philosophy or science will make them change their mind. Others may argue that these people could be making it up, nothing really happened to them and that these people are just attention seeking. But beware! A religious experience has significance for the person who experiences it.

It is argued that if someone feels they have experienced God, this . Top Ten Celebrity Religious Conversions. Most people do not realize it but most spiritual dreams and spiritual visions come from the devil and not from God! Often a spiritual awakening has lasting effects upon one's life. The simplest was through ecstatic dance, where you go to the club and cut a rug until you're covered with sweat and feeling glorious. - The testimony of others who report similar experiences supports such a claim. The Via Negativa states that one can only speak of God in negative terms - God is transcendent so one cannot say what God is, therefore we can only say what he is not. - Without religious experience, the probability of the existence of God is about 50/50. "Have you had the following religious experience?" That's the question asked by the 2008 Baylor Religion Survey, authored by Dr. Rodney Stark and others, in an extensive look at the "depth . i) Analyse the Argument for the Existence of God from Religious Experience (18) The argument for the existence of God from Religious Experience is a simple one, with only two premises. Jennifer Fulwiler grew up in a loving family, but one in which religion was painted as clearly false. Vision (spirituality) Illumination from Liber Scivias, showing Hildegard of Bingen receiving a vision, dictating to her scribe and sketching on a wax tablet. Visions generally have more clarity than dreams . I did, when I was an atheist, but I changed my mind, and my reasons for doing so may be of interest to you in your own personal journey and attempts to make sense of life. No current religion has final truth a. A 1970s study (N=434) in Los Angles, California, USA, found 2% of the residents had reported a vision of a dead person that was part of the reality of another person (Kalish . Some are quick and pleased to accept a report of someone claiming to . He also recognises that no matter how strong the experience was, he has no means of knowing . There will be many people who have gone through similar or worse experiences than the OP but managed to turn things around and live a good happy life. • The word given to describe this feeling is numinous. Swinburne is a Christian apologist - someone who sets out to defend the Christian religion's ideas.He also writes about religious experience and science. It was a powerful experience, which he justifiably believes has changed him very much for the better. She was also plagued by visions, the most terrifying of which has to be the time see saw demons claim a man's soul. In response to a separate question, half of Americans (49%) say they have had "a religious or mystical experience - that is, a moment of religious or spiritual awakening." This is roughly the same as the number that said this in 2006 (47%), but it represents a sharp increase over the past four decades. In addition to sleep attacks, he has frequent sleep paralysis and near weekly out-of-body experiences while lying in bed. 249335.bin. Everywhere, always, all through history, people have had religious experiences. And countless people in the world today has had such experiences and been deceived by them because they thought it was God. The Bible says, "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." ( Colossians 3:15) One can take this to mean that God wants us to constantly experience Him in us ruling us in His own peace.

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